
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Rally ‘round the institution:

Sentiments and emotions toward NHS during the COVID-19 pandemic
Political conversations on UK Twitter and their sentiments about a public institution under fire


Anecdotal evidence: people and politicians rallied around health institutions after COVID-19 before eventually drifting apart.
Hypothesis: we expect to observe such rallying behavior in social media discussions.
RQ: How do discussions involving MPs on Twitter regarding NHS change after the pandemic hits?

Data collection & Analysis methods

  • Get data of UK’s MPs affiliation and tweet handles
  • Get their conversations about NHS
  • 52,302 tweets collected with twarc2
  • Split data: before, 1st wave, after


Text analysis:

  • remove URLs
  • 🤗Twitter RoBERTa models of Cardiff NLP
  • sentiment, hate, offensive, emotion, irony

Network analysis:

  • using Gephi
  • mention graph + sentiment
  • PageRank, ForceAtlas2


SICSS 2022 - Idea 6

Group members:

  • Markus Reiter-Haas
  • Abdoul kafid TOKO
  • Emil Bakkensen Johansen