Jobster is a job hunting website where anyone can search for their jobs based upon their personal preferences.

This directory has two directories :

  • client
  • server

Make sure you have node is installed on your machine before starting the project.

Head to the individual folders after cloning and follow the README.

In the client directory :

  1. First install all the dependencies for the project by running commands within this client directory.
npm install
  1. To start client, run the following command :
npm start

In the server directory :

  1. First install all the dependencies by running command within this server directory.
npm install
  1. To start the server, run the following command:
nodemon server.js
  • The client will run on the port :3000

  • The server will run on the port :5000

  • It is built on latest technologies as follows:

    • Front-end: ReactJS
    • Back-end: Node-ExpressJS
    • Database: MySQL