

Primary LanguagePython


Canteen Management system Working of the system:


New customer can enter into the system by first registering into the system by entering all their details in Sign up page ().Once user registered can enter into the system by entering appropriate username and password.
After logged in customer can view E-Menu having different sections() :- Starter ,Breads, Main course, ***.From here customer selects his order by just selecting the food and can view his list containing item name and quantity and the total Amt after selecting Show option.Customer can also delete the items from his list as per their choice .Once done he can submit his order by selecting Submit option and will get to know his Unique Order-ID.After this he can view his Bill() on selecting View Bill option..which contain selected items,  their quantity and total Amount


Admin can enter into the system by providing username and password.After logging in he will view a Interface where he can view the placed orders along with the Order ID and quantity after selecting View Orders option.Can view Payment details of Orders   and also can check the particular customer’s payment status by just entering their Order ID . If not paid then proper message will be shown on window .As the customer pays the bill at the counter the admin changes his status and it gets automatically updated in system’s database. The above procedure is same for checking whether order is Delivered or not by Customer.    
Admin can alter the menu list by selecting change Menu option which will redirect him to New menu screen() where he will find options like Insert, Update and Delete . Even he can view the items in a particular section by just entering the section name and selecting Show option which will help him in managing the Menu List.