
Coursera course : https://www.coursera.org/specializations/cloud-computing

Primary LanguageC++

Cloud-Computing-Concepts-Part-1 :

What is the project?

  • The project is about implementing a Gossip Protocol.
  • The main functionalities of the project :
    • Introduction : Each new peer contacts a well-known peer (the introducer) to join the group.
    • Membership : A membership protocol satisfies completeness all the time (for joins and failures), and accuracy when there are no message delays or losses (high accuracy when there are losses or delays).

Detail & Principle :

  • Data Structure of Message :
typedef struct MessageHdr {
	enum MsgTypes msgType; 
	vector< MemberListEntry> member_vector; // membership list of source
	Address* addr; // the source of this message


How do I run the Grader on my computer ?

  • There is a grader script GraderNew.sh. It tests your implementation of membership protocol in 3 scenarios.
    • Single node failure
    • Multiple node failure
    • Single node failure under a lossy network.
	$ chmod +x GraderNew.sh
	$ ./GraderNew.sh


  • Points achieved: 90 out of 90 [100%]