
Automatic Email Sender Using NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Automatic Email Sender Using NodeJS

Download the mailSender to your PC


git clone https://github.com/IshanMK/Automatic-Email-Sender.git

Install all the modules required

  • Inside the directory where package.json is located run the following code from your terminal
npm install

Configuration for your Gmail Account

  • Go to your Google Account

  • Then Go to Security Tab


  • Turn on 2-step verification


  • After turning on 2-step verification go back now you will see new option below 2-step Verification.

  • Go to the new Option App passwords


  • You will get the followings


  • Click on select app and choose the option Other(Custom name)


  • Provide the custom name for your application and click on Generate


  • It will automatically generate a password with 16 characters for your application


  • Copy the password to the clipboard

Setting Up the .env.auth file

  • If you have a smtp server use it other use smtp.gmail.com as the HOST.
  • The PORT regarding the smtp is 587.use 587 as HOST_PORT.
  • Use gmail as the SERVICE.
  • Use your own email address as EMAIL_USERNAME.
  • Use the password copied to the ciplboard as the PASSWORD


Setting Up sendEmail.js

  • Provide the recipients with an array of recipients mails seperated by commas as strings.If there is only single recipient no need an array of recipients.Just provide the single email as a string
  • Just Provide the scheduledDate with the Date-Time_TimeZone you want to send the email
  • eg : 2022-06-28T18:16:45+05:30
  • Provide sender , subject and content as you want


Start Sending Mails

  • After doing all the above steps just run the following code from your terminal
node sendEmail


npm start

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