
inetmanet branch of inet-framework 2.0

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

The addition to the INETMANET framework of OMNeT++ uses a cross-layer approach to 
utilize application layer knowledge about controlled mobility to enhance the routing 
decisions. We use the well-known mobility model from Reynolds as a basic structure 
for our logical submodules, which handle specific tasks like exploration, collision 
avoidance and maintenance of the swarm coherence. Different novel routing metrics use
the results of a new prediction method for future trajectories for their decision-making.

An example network for comparing mobility-aware and established protocols can be 
found in /mobilityaware/examples/batmobile.
The PDR can be calculated from the result files by executing the pdr.py file (python pdr.py).

Related publication:

B. Sliwa, D. Behnke, C.Ide and C. Wietfeld, "B.A.T.Mobile: Leveraging Mobility Control 
Knowledge for Efficient Routing in Mobile Robotic Networks", 2016, submitted for publication. 
[Online]. Available: http://arxiv.org/abs/1607.01223

INET Framework for OMNEST/OMNeT++

The INET framework is an open-source communication networks simulation
package, written for the OMNEST/OMNeT++ simulation system. The INET framework
contains models for several Internet protocols: beyond TCP and IP there is UDP,
Ethernet, PPP and MPLS with LDP and RSVP-TE signalling. See the CREDITS file
for the names of people who have contributed to the INET Framework.

IMPORTANT: The INET Framework is continuously being improved: new parts
are added, bugs are corrected, and so on. We cannot assert that any protocol
implemented here will work fully according to the specifications. YOU ARE

Contributions are highly welcome. You can make a difference!

See the WHATSNEW file for recent changes.

You may start by downloading and installing the INET framework. Read the INSTALL
file for further information.

Then you can gather initial experience by following the INET tutorial. After
that, you can learn the NED language from the OMNeT++ manual & sample

After that, you may write your own topologies using the NED language. You may
assign some of the submodule parameters in NED files. You may leave some of
them unassigned.

Then, you may assign unassigned module parameters in omnetpp.ini of your
simulation. (You can refer to sample simulations & manual for the content of

Finally, you will be ready to run your simulation. As you see, you may use
the INET framework without writing any C++ code, as long as you use the
available modules.

To implement new protocols or modify existing ones, you'll need to add your 
code somewhere under the src directory. If you add new files under the 'src' 
directory you will need to regenerate the makefiles (using the 'make makefiles' 

If you want to use external interfaces in INET, please install libpcap-dev (on linux)
or winpcap (on windows from www.winpcap.org), then re-run the omnetpp configuration
script (./configure). You should also enable the pcap support by editing the
src/makefrag and then regenerating the INET makefiles (using the "make makefiles" 

Directory structure
Directories of INET framework source are arranged roughly along the OSI layers.


 3rdparty/               optional 3rd party components like (Network Simulation Cradle etc.)

 doc/                    documentation

 examples/               example networks for various protocols

   applications/         application layer
     dhcp/               DHCP protocol (maintainer: JCM, origin: https://github.com/jmaureir/DHCP)
     ethernet/           traffic generators (directly for Ethernet)
     generic/            traffic generators (directly for IP)
     httptools/          HTTP traffic generator (maintainer: KVJ, origin: http://omnet-httptools.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/omnet-httptools-read-only)
     pingapp/            ping application
     rtpapp/             RTP (real-time Transport Protocol) application
     sctpapp/            SCTP applications (maintainer: TD)
     tcpapp/             TCP application models
     udpapp/             UDP application models (VideoStream, etc.)
     voiptool/           VoIP applications (maintainer ZB, origin: http://www.tkn.tu-berlin.de/research/omnetVoipTool)

   base/                 common header files, base classes

   battery/              Battery model (maintainer AAQ, origin: mixim + INETMANET)

   linklayer/            L2 (data link layer) protocols
     contract/           API to common L2 functionality
     ethernet/           Ethernet model (MAC, LLC, Encap, Switch)
     ext/                External interface (allowing the simulation to work with real hardware)
     ieee80211/          ieee 802.11 interface (maintainer: AAQ origin: https://github.com/aarizaq/inetmanet-2.0)
     ppp/                basic PPP model (framing only)
     radio/              common radio infrastructure, propagation models etc.
     queue/              generic queueing framework (maintainer TB)

   mobility/             Node mobility models (origin: mobility framework + mixim + inetmanet)

   networklayer/         L3 (network layer) protocols
     arp/                ARP protocol
     autorouting/        autoconfiguration of static routes
     bgpv4/              BGP V4 protocol (see BGPv4 feature) //TODO
     common/             InterfaceTable, InterfaceEntry modules //TODO
     contract/           API to common L3 functionality
     icmpv6/             ICMPv6 implementation 
     internetcloud/      Internet cloud (global Internet delay model)
     ipv4/               IPv4 and associated protocols
     ipv6/               IPv6 implementation 
     ipv6tunneling/      IPv6 tunneling support
     ldp/                LDP signalling protocol for MPLS (maintainer: VJ)
     manetrouting/       Mobile AdHoc Routing protocols (maintainer: AAQ origin: inetmanet)
     mpls/               MPLS implementation (maintainer: VJ)
     ospfv2/             OSPF protocol (maintainer: ???)
     rsvp_te/            RSVP-TE signalling protocol for MPLS (maintainer: VJ)
     ted/                Traffic Engineering Database (maintainer: VJ)
     xmipv6/             mobile IPv6 protocol (maintainer: FZY)

   nodes/                protocol stacks, host and router models
     bgp/                IPv4 router with BGP and OSPF support
     ethernet/           nodes allowing direct ethernet communication
     httptools/          HTTP traffic generator (maintainer: KVJ, origin: http://omnet-httptools.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/omnet-httptools-read-only)
     inet/               IP-based components
     internetcloud/      Internet Cloud node
     ipv6/               IPv6-based components
     mf80211/            host for mf80211
     mpls/               router models with MPLS/LDP/RSVP-TE
     ospfv2/             an OSPFv2 router node
     wireless/           nodes for wireless simulations
     xmipv6/             mobile IPv6 nodes (maintainer: FZY)

   transport/            transport layer protocols
     contract/           API to transport layer functionality
     rtp/                Realtime Transport Protocol (see AUTHORS file in directory)
     sctp/               Stream Control Transmission Protocol (maintainer: TD)
     tcp_common/         Common generic part of the different TCP implementations
     tcp/                TCP protocol (supporting SACK) (default TCP implementation)
     tcp_nsc/            TCP protocol using Network Simulation Cradle
     tcp_lwip/           TCP protocol using Lightweight IP library
     udp/                UDP protocol

   util/                 various utility classes

   world/                various modules that are used at network level (i.e. global modules)
     annotations/        allows drawing some additional shapes on the Tkenv canvas (maintainer: CS)
     httptools/          global components for HTTP traffic generation (maintainer: KVJ, origin: http://omnet-httptools.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/omnet-httptools-read-only)
     obstacles/          obstacle models that block the radio transmission (maintainer: CS)
     powercontrol/       enable/disable power control aware modules (maintainer: JCM)
     radio/              global modules for radio models - radio channel access 
     scenario/           create sim scenarios, change parameters over time
     traci/              allows connecting to a TraCI server (maintainer: CS, origin:http://veins.car2x.org)

 tests/                  automatic tests for the INEt framework

Maintainers / authors:
  TD  - "Thomas Dreibholz" <dreibh@iem.uni-due.de>
  ZB  - "Zoltan Bojthe" 
  JCM - "Juan-Carlos Maureira" <jmaureir@gmail.com>
  AAQ - "Alfonso Ariza Quintana" <aarizaq_m@hotmail.com>
  KVJ - Kristjan V. Jonsson (LDSS) <kristjanvj@gmail.com>
  TB  - Tamás Borbély <tamas.borbely@omnest.com>
  LM  - Levente Mészáros <levente.meszaros@omnest.com>
  FZY - Faqir Zarrar Yousaf
  VJ  - Vojtech Janota
  CS  - Christoph Sommer <christoph.sommer@informatik.uni-erlangen.de>

xMIPv6 additions for INET Framework
further info: http://www.kn.e-technik.tu-dortmund.de/content/view/232/lang,de/

VoIPTool 2.0

This is the OMNeT++ 4.x port and complete rewrite (by Zoltan Bojthe)
of the TKN VoIPTool, http://www.tkn.tu-berlin.de/research/omnetVoipTool/

The fraction of voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) based telephone calls
among the totality of voice based communication acts has been significantly
growing during the last years. In wired as well as wireless communication
applications, VoIP is expected to completely replace former circuit
switched telephony. This project provides an OMNeT++-based VoIP traffic
generator that creates realistic VoIP packet streams, due to the
utilization of real audio data and an existing VoIP standard codec.
Moreover, by applying ITU-T's perceptual evaluation of speech quality
(PESQ) approach at the sink, the perceived quality of a transmitted VoIP
stream can be determined.

This library is an add-on to the INET Framework, http://inet.omnetpp.org.
It provides two modules: VoIPSourceApp and VoIPSinkApp. Both are
application- layer modules that operate over UDP, and can be used in INET's
StandardHost very much like other UDP traffic generators and sinks (see the
udpApp[] submodule vector, numUdpApps parameter, etc. in StandardHost.)

VoIPSourceApp accepts an audio file and a destination IP address/port as
input, and will transmit the file's contents as voice traffic over UDP n
times (by default once). For transmission, the audio is resampled at the
given frequency (by default 8KHz) and depth (by default 16 bits), and
encoded with the given codec (by default G.726) at the given bit rate (by
default 40Kbps), and chopped into packets that each carry dt milliseconds
of voice (by default 20ms). (The above default values may be out of date;
actual values come from the NED file).  Packets that are all silence (all
samples are below a given threshold in absolute value) are transmitted as
special "silence" packets. The module does not simulate any particular VoIP
protocol (e.g. RTP), but instead accepts a "header size" parameter that
can be set accordingly.

VoIPSinkApp listens on an UDP port, and expects to receive VoIP packets on
it. The received voice is then saved into a result audio file that can be
compared with the original for further evaluation. VoIP packets are
numbered, and out-of-order packets are discarded (the corresponding voice
interval will be recorded as silence into the file). VoIP packets that miss
their deadlines will similarly be discarded. It is assumed that the audio is
played back with delay (by default 20ms), which allows some jitter for the
incoming packets. The resulting audio file is closed when the simulation
completes (i.e. in the OMNeT++ finish() function).

Related publication:

M. Bohge and M. Renwanz, "A realistic VoIP traffic generation and evaluation
tool for OMNeT++", 1st International OMNeT++ Workshop, March 2008, Marseille,
