

  1. Ishaq Alathamneh
  2. Mohammad Almomani
  3. Omar Alzoubi
  4. Mahmoud Alzoubi
  5. Aya Azzam

Work Dividing

  • We make for loop to show options inside our form.
  • and then we have been stucked in getting the selected item ID or name.
  • then we set the inputs in local storage.
  • We add a counter to update the span element beside cart in the header.
  • then we search in the internet for a long time to find the solution finally after 3 hours.
  • this take a long time (Almost 6 hours) to finish the two (app.js & catalog.js) and we faced some internet connections to each others.
  • The starter code needs a lot of time to be familier with it then we start giving ideas and solve the problems.