ToDoList Project


Welcome to the ToDoList project! This task management application allows users to efficiently organize their tasks and boost productivity. With a user-friendly interface, it provides essential functionalities to manage tasks seamlessly.


1. Task Creation

  • Users can create new tasks by specifying a title, description, due date, priority, and more.

2. Task Status

  • Each task can be marked as complete or incomplete, providing a clear view of the user's progress.

3. Task Management

  • Edit tasks to update details or make changes as needed.
  • Delete tasks that are no longer relevant or necessary.

4. Sorting and Filtering

  • Sort tasks based on priority, due date, or other relevant parameters.
  • Filter tasks to focus on specific categories, helping users prioritize their workload.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap
  • Backend: Django (Python web framework)
  • Database: SQLite (can be customized for other databases)
  • Additional Libraries: jQuery, Bootstrap, etc.

Getting Started

To run the project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd ToDoList
  3. Apply database migrations: python migrate
  4. Run the development server: python runserver
  5. Access the application in your web browser at: http://localhost:8000

Feel free to explore and customize the project according to your preferences!



Special thanks to the open-source community for the tools and frameworks that make this project possible. Contributions and feedback are always welcome!