CardioWave Heartbeat Simulator 💓🔊

Introduction 🌟

The CardioWave Heartbeat Simulator is an innovative project that intricately blends biology with technology. It aims to simulate the human heart's rhythm using a potentiometer to control a buzzer, creating a range of heartbeat sounds. From a calm, steady pulse to a rapid heartbeat, this project captures the essence of our vital life force in an electronic form. Ideal for educational purposes, the CardioWave offers a unique hands-on experience for understanding heart rates and their variability.

Components 🛠️

  • Microcontroller (e.g., Raspberry Pi Pico)
  • Buzzer (PWM compatible)
  • Potentiometer (10k ohm)
  • Breadboard and connecting wires

Script Explanation 📝

The Python script for the CardioWave project is designed for microcontrollers like the Raspberry Pi Pico, making use of the machine library for Analog-to-Digital Conversion (ADC) and Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) control.

Key Functions 🗝️

  • heartbeat_signal(frequency, duration): Generates a heartbeat sound with a specified frequency and duration.
  • continuous_beep(frequency): Emits a continuous high-frequency beep, simulating a flatline.
  • while True Loop: Continuously reads the potentiometer value to adjust the heartbeat frequency or trigger a flatline simulation.

Behavior 🚦

  • Potentiometer at 0: Triggers a continuous high-frequency beep, representing a flatline.
  • Potentiometer above 0: Generates heartbeat sounds with frequency proportional to the potentiometer's value.

Demonstration Video 🎥

A comprehensive demonstration of the CardioWave Heartbeat Simulator is available in the attached video, "CardioWave Sim." This video showcases the functionality of the project, providing viewers with a clear understanding of its capabilities.