
C2 Active Scanner

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NoWhere2Hide Active Scanner

NoWhere2Hide is an open-source active scanner tailored for security researchers and professionals keen on investigating Command and Control (C2) infrastructures. Developed in GO, it leverages ZGRAB2 for scanning and utilizes a PostgreSQL database for storing scan data and detecting C2s.

NoWhere2Hide empowers threat researchers to pinpoint malicious infrastructures, craft C2 signatures, and continually monitor and authenticate C2s. It promotes innovative approaches to identifying malicious infrastructures, steering away from scanning the entire internet, and offers a structured format and framework for exchanging C2 signatures within our community.

My ultimate aim is to facilitate the effortless creation of detection signatures and their dissemination within the community for mutual scanning and detection.

That being said, I've also tailored this tool for individuals like myself who conduct or aspire to conduct their own scanning activities, without necessarily having the means or inclination to share their signatures publicly.

Installation Overview

Tested and validated on Ubuntu 22.04, but should work wherever GO and Postgres can be installed.

I have created two videos to go over the installation process.

Install GO

Follow instructions -> https://go.dev/doc/install

Clone Project

git clone https://github.com/c2links/NoWhere2Hide.git

Install and Setup Postgres

sudo apt update
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib

sudo -u postgres createuser --interactive

sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER USER nowhere2hide PASSWORD 'nowhere2hide';"
sudo -u postgres createdb nowhere2hide

Rebuild Plugins

NoWhere2Hide uses plugins for both collection and advanced detections. When you first run the program you will most likely get a error about the plugins being related to a different version.

To fix, you will have to rebuild the plugins by executing the below commands or by running the supplied script, rebuild_plugins.sh.

go build -buildmode=plugin -o plugin/targets/badasn/badasn.so plugin/targets/badasn/badasn.go 
go build -buildmode=plugin -o plugin/targets/censys/censys.so plugin/targets/censys/censys.go 
go build -buildmode=plugin -o plugin/targets/shodan/shodan.so plugin/targets/shodan/shodan.go 
go build -buildmode=plugin -o plugin/targets/ipsum/ipsum.so plugin/targets/ipsum/ipsum.go
go build -buildmode=plugin -o plugin/c2/Trochilus/trochilus_banner.so plugin/c2/Trochilus/trochilus_banner.go 

Add API keys

While not necessary, if you have API keys (currently only support Shodan, Censys and HuntIO), you should add them in the api.yaml file. The current format of the file is below.

censys_api_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
censys_secret: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
shodan: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
huntio: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"


To build and run, enter the below commands

go build .

Navigate to http://localhost:6332 to get to the UI.

You can additionally set the port to use by supplying the port as a argument ./main -port 12345

By default the signatures are located in the folder, "../signatures", but this can also be changed by supplying the "signatures argument, ./main -signatures <path to signatures>


NoWhere2Hide uses token(ish) authentication for most of its capabilities. A token is generated for you when you first start the program. The token is printed to the console for easy access but can be retrieved from the Postgres database at anytime.

Not all the actions of NoWhere2Hide require authentication.

There is no authentication required for:

  • Viewing of detected C2's
  • Viewing and searching the scan data (banner,http,tls,jarm) or
  • Viewing signatures

Authentication is required to:

  • Run a scan
  • Create and / or modify signatures
  • Delete databases
  • Perform a retro hunt.

To authenticate, simply click on the "Click here to login" button and enter your token.

If all goes well the click here to logon button changes to the below (Logged In (click to logout))


Please see below for more details on how to use NoWhere2Hide. There are 5 main functions of NoWhere2Hide.

  1. View detected C2's: Go here to see the C2's you have detected organized by malware family
  2. Run a scan: Go here to run a scan based on one of the signatures you have created. Or one of the pre-built scans.
  3. View scan results separated by scan results
    • Banner
    • HTTP
    • TLS
    • JARM
  4. Create / Edit Signatures
  5. Administration
    • Clear database
    • View logs (Future)
    • Readme

Creating Your First Signature

Coming Soon

Run your Scan

Coming Soon

View Results

Coming Soon

Modify Signature Add Detection

Coming Soon

Reload Detections

Coming Soon

View Detected C2's

Here you can click on any Malware Family to view the current list of C2's for that family.

The C2's are the result of the PostGres queries defined in the created signature (See above). There should be no duplicates in this list, when the C2 database is populated, if the same IP:PORT:Malware_Family combination already exists, the last scan time is modified, but a new entry is not created.