
Pillage filesystems for sensitive information with Go.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT



Go Report Card


Latest Release

Table of Contents

  1. Summary
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Documentation


Pillager is designed to provide a simple means of leveraging Go's strong concurrency model to recursively search directories for sensitive information in files. Pillager does this by standing on the shoulders of a few giants. Once pillager finds files that match the specified pattern, the file is scanned using a series of concurrent workers that each take a line of the file from the job queue and hunt for sensitive pattern matches. The available pattern filters can be defined in a rules.toml file or you can use the default ruleset.



If you have Go setup on your system, you can install Pillager with go get

go get github.com/brittonhayes/pillager

Scoop (Windows)

scoop bucket add pillager https://github.com/brittonhayes/pillager-scoop.git
scoop install pillager

Homebrew (OSX/Linux)

brew tap brittonhayes/homebrew-pillager
brew install pillager

If you're looking for a binary, check the latest releases for the executable that matches your system


To see all the commands available with pillager

# To see instructions for the entire application

# From any subcommand
pillager [cmd] --help


Gitleaks Rules

Pillager provides full support for Gitleaks rules. This can either be passed in with a rules.toml file, or you can use the default ruleset by leaving the rules flag blank.

# rules.toml
title = "pillager rules"

description = "AWS Access Key"
regex = '''(A3T[A-Z0-9]|AKIA|AGPA|AIDA|AROA|AIPA|ANPA|ANVA|ASIA)[A-Z0-9]{16}'''
tags = ["key", "AWS"]
    Min = "3.5"
    Max = "4.5"
    Group = "1"

description = "Email Address"
regex = '''(?i)([A-Za-z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?^_{|.}~-]+@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)'''
tags = ["email", "User Info"]

Custom Templates

Pillager allows you to use powerful go text/template to customize the output format. Here are a few template examples.


{{ range .Leaks}}
    Leak: {{.Line}}
    Line: {{.LineNumber}}
    File: {{ .File }}

Markdown Styling

# Results
{{ range .Leaks}}
    ## {{ .File }}
    - Location: {{.LineNumber}}


📚 View the docs

GoDoc documentation is available on pkg.go.dev for pillager but it also available for all packages in the ./pkg directory. Just open the folder of any package, and you'll see the GoDocs rendered in beautiful Github-flavored markdown thanks to the awesome gomarkdoc tool.

Shoulders of Giants ⭐

What is Cobra?

Cobra is a library providing a simple interface to create powerful modern CLI interfaces similar to git & go tools. Cobra is also an application that will generate your application scaffolding to rapidly develop a Cobra-based application.

If you've seen a CLI written in Go before, there's a pretty high chance it was built with Cobra. I can't recommend this library enough. It empowers developers to make consistent, dynamic, and self-documenting command line tools with ease. Some examples include kubectl, hugo, and Github's gh CLI.

What is Gitleaks?

Gitleaks is a SAST tool for detecting hardcoded secrets like passwords, api keys, and tokens in git repos.

Gitleaks is an amazing tool for secret leak prevention. If you haven't implemented Gitleaks as a pre-commit checker, it's worth your time to check it out.

Why is Gitleaks relevant to Pillager?

Pillager implements the powerful rules functionality of Gitleaks while taking a more offensive approach to working with the secrets found. While I have provided a baseline set of default rules, Pillager becomes much more powerful if you allow users to create rules for their own use-cases.

This goes without saying but I'm going to say it anyways: I am not responsible for any repercussions caused by your use of pillager. This tool is intended for defensive, Blue Team use.