
Official generated source of the Isilon SDK Python language bindings.

Primary LanguagePython


This package is part of the Isilon SDK. It includes language bindings for easier programmatic access to the OneFS API for cluster configuration (on your cluster this is the REST API made up of all the URIs underneath https://[cluster]:8080/platform/*, also called the "Platform API" or "PAPI"). The SDK also includes language bindings for the OneFS RAN (i.e. RESTful Access to Namespace) interface, which provides access to the OneFS filesystem namespace.


pip install isilon_sdk

Example program

Please select the subpackage as applicable to the OneFS version of your cluster by referring to the below table:

OneFS Version and respective subpackage name are as: v9_4_0 v9_5_0 v9_6_0 v9_7_0 v9_8_0 v9_9_0

Here’s an example of using the Python PAPI bindings to retrieve a list of NFS exports from your clusters


from future import print_function

from pprint import pprint import time import urllib3

import isilon_sdk.v9_9_0 from isilon_sdk.v9_9_0.rest import ApiException


configure cluster connection: basicAuth

configuration = isilon_sdk.v9_9_0.Configuration() configuration.host = '' configuration.username = 'root' configuration.password = 'a' configuration.verify_ssl = False

create an instance of the API class

api_client = isilon_sdk.v9_9_0.ApiClient(configuration) api_instance = isilon_sdk.v9_9_0.ProtocolsApi(api_client)

get all exports

sort = 'description' limit = 50 order = 'ASC' try: api_response = api_instance.list_nfs_exports(sort=sort, limit=limit, dir=order) pprint(api_response) except ApiException as e: print("Exception when calling ProtocolsApi->list_nfs_exports: %s\n" % e)

More Info

See the Github repo for more information: https://github.com/isilon/isilon_sdk