Nutritionists Articles

This project makes nutritional articles available to subscribed clients. Clients get to read nutritional articles posted by their nutritionists. It serves as a capstone project in fullfilment of a fullstack nanodegree with Udacity.

All backend code follows PEP8 style guidelines.

As part of the completion requirements, API Endpoints have been developed to handle the following:

  1. Create/Edit Nutritionists
  2. Create/Edit Clients
  3. Create Articles with assigned nutritionist
  4. View/Edit/Delete Articles

Getting Started

  • app.py : App File
  • manage.py : Deployment File to Heroku
  • models.py : App Models
  • Procfile : Deployment to Heroku
  • setup.sh : Set environment variables
  • test_app.py : Unit Test for Application Endpoints
  • Readme.me : Readme
    📁 auth > auth.py : jwt authentication
    📁 migrations : Migrations


  • python3
  • Flask
  • Database(postgresql recommended)

A great combination to bring to live API service for this app in a quick implementable process.

Developers using this project should already have Python3 and pip intalled on their local machines.


From the backend folder run pip install requirements.txt preferably in a virtual environment. All required packages are included in the requirements file.

pip3 install -r requirements.txt



Edit database connection in setup.sh if you're using a different database, else create database from psql terminal:

$ sudo -u postgres_user -i $ createdb fsnd_capstone

From the project directory, run:

source setup.sh


In project directory, run the following commands for DB Migration:

flask db init
flask db migrate
flask db upgrade

Run Project

To run the application run the following commands on Linux:

export FLASK_APP=app.py
export FLASK_ENV=development
flask run

On Windows:

set FLASK_APP=app.py
set FLASK_ENV=development
flask run

To auto reload app, append --reload when running app:

flask run --reload

These commands put the application in development. Working in development mode shows an interactive debugger in the console and restarts the server whenever changes are made. If running locally on Windows, look for the commands in the Flask documentation.

The application is run on by default and is a proxy in the frontend configuration.



Three Roles have been created with different access permissions. To generate an access token for each user, use the link and login access below:


  1. App Manager - Has all access permission
    username: appmanager@capstone.com
    password: AppManager@111

  2. Nutritionist Manager
    username: nutritionistmanager@capstone.com
    password: NutritionistManager@111

    Roles: create:nutritionist

  3. Client Manager
    username: clientmanager@capstone.com
    password: ClientManager@111




In order to run tests, from app folder and run the following commands:

Add access_token to envrironment variable:

export JWT_TOKEN=generated_token

Run test

python test_app.py

API Reference


Getting Started

Base URL: At present, this app can run locally and is also hosted in cloud server. Local URL default is:

Authentication: Generated token must be added to URL headers to test application.

Error Handling

Errors are returned as JSON objects in the following format:

    "success": False,
    "error": 404,
    "message": "resource not found"

The API will return four error types when requests fail:

  • 412: Precondition Failed
  • 404: Resource Not Found
  • 422: Unprocessed Request
  • 405: Method not allowed
  • 500: Internal Server Error


POST /nutritionists

  • Creates new nutritionist

    • JSON Body: {"name": "Smaklie Brown", "specialization": "Pediatrics", "email": "smaklie@test.com", "rating": 5}
    • Response:
        "email": "maskot@test.com",
        "message": "Nutritionist Created",
        "success": true

GET /nutritionists

  • GET all nutritionists

    • Response:
        "data": [
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Maskot Rise"
        "success": true

GET /nutritionists/

  • GET specific nutritionist

    • Response:
        "data": {
            "email": "maskot@test.com",
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Maskot Rise",
            "rating": 0,
            "specialization": "Pediatrics"
        "success": true

POST /clients

  • Creates new client

    • JSON BODY: {"name": "Manning Dreake", "country": "Egypt", "email": "manning@test"}
    • Response:
        "email": "manning@test",
        "message": "client created",
        "success": true

GET /clients

  • GETS all clients

    • Response:
        "data": [
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Manning Dreake"
        "success": true

GET /clients/

  • GETS specific client

    • Response:
        "data": {
            "country": "Egypt",
            "email": "manning@test",
            "name": "Manning Dreake"
        "success": true

PATCH /clients/

  • Update client
    • Response:
    • JSON BODY: {"id": 1, "name": "Manning Client", "country": "Egypt", "email": "manning@test"}
    • Required Field: id
        "id": 1,
        "message": "User data updated",
        "success": true

POST /articles

  • Creates new article

    • JSON BODY: {"nutritionist": 1, "title": "LACTOSE Intolerance", "content": "Lorem Ipsume Content"}
    • Response:
        "message": "Article created",
        "success": true

GET /articles

  • GET all articles

    • Response:
        "message": "Article created",
        "success": true

GET /articles/?client_id=

  • GET articles subscribed to a client

    • Response:
        "data": [],
        "success": true

GET /articles?nutritionist_id=

  • GET articles created by a nutritionist

    • Response:
        "data": [
            "content": "Lorem Ipsume Content",
            "date_created": "Wed, 31 Mar 2021 18:25:26 GMT",
            "title": "LACTOSE Intolerance"
            "content": "Lorem Ipsume Content",
            "date_created": "Wed, 31 Mar 2021 18:28:33 GMT",
            "title": "LACTOSE Intolerance"
        "success": true

PATCH /articles

  • Update article

    • JSON Body: {"id": 9, "title": "New Title", "content": "Lorem Ipsume Content"}
    • Response:
        "id": 9,
        "message": "Article Updated.",
        "success": true

DELETE /articles/

  • Delete article

    • Response:
        "id": 10,
        "success": true

POST /subscriptions

  • Subscribe client to nutritionist

    • JSON Body: {"nutritionist_id": 1, "client_id": 1, "subscription_status": true}
    • Response:
        "message": "Client subscription added",
        "success": true


Deploying to Heroku

Create heroku app:

heroku create name_of_your_app

Add git remote for Heroku to local repository:

git remote add heroku heroku_git_url

Add postgresql add on for our database

heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev --app name_of_your_application

Check config variables:

heroku config --app name_of_your_application

On settings, click on Reveal Config Vars and add variables in setup.sh without the = sign


git push heroku master

Run Migration:

heroku run python manage.py db upgrade --app name_of_your_application


Ogbuehi I.C


The awesome team at Udacity, Lectureres, Reviewers, et al.