
Lightweight C++ library for reinforcement learning algorithms

Primary LanguageC++


Lightweight C++ Library for reinforcement learning algorithms


Intel Math Kernel Library (https://software.intel.com/en-us/mkl) ZLIB (https://github.com/madler/zlib)


Neural Networks

  • Feed-forward neural networks
  • SGD, ADAM, RADAM optimizers

Reinforcement learning algorithms

  • TD-learning
  • Q-Learning
  • Deep Q-Learning
  • AC

Continuous reinforcement learning algorithms

  • DDPG

Motivation models

  • Predictive error model
  • Surprise model

Other features

  • Simple model building demanding only few lines of code
  • Save/Load in numpy array format (CNPy library)

Example XOR problem

#include "neural_network.h"
#include "loss_functions.h"
#include "tensor_initializer.h"
#include "adam.h"

int main()
	float input_data[8] = {0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1};
	float target_data[4] = { 0,1,1,0 };

	tensor input({ 4, 2 }, input_data);
	tensor target({ 4, 1 }, target_data);

	neural_network network;

	network.add_layer(new dense_layer("hidden0", 8, activation_function::sigmoid(), tensor_initializer::lecun_uniform(), { 2 }));
	network.add_layer(new dense_layer("hidden1", 4, activation_function::sigmoid(), tensor_initializer::lecun_uniform()));
	network.add_layer(new dense_layer("output", 1, activation_function::sigmoid(), tensor_initializer::lecun_uniform()));
	network.add_connection("hidden0", "hidden1");
	network.add_connection("hidden1", "output");

	mse_function loss;
	adam optimizer(&network, 1e-2f);

	for (int t = 0; t < 500; t++) {
		tensor& output = network.forward(&input);
		const float error = loss.forward(output, target);
		network.backward(loss.backward(output, target));

		cout << "Episode " << t;
		cout << " error: " << error << endl;

	cout << network.forward(&input) << endl;

Planned features

  • AC2,AC3
  • PPO
  • convolutional networks
  • ALE support
  • MuJoCo support


Matej Pechac is doctoral student of informatics specializing in the area of reinforcement learning and intrinsic motivation