
React Native scrollview/listview component with image lazyload feature

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Native scrollview lazyload

ScrollView with image/components lazyload feature. Support all ScrollView feature. Detect ScrollView by 'renderRow' and 'dataSource' props(ListView should be add this props).

Component Params

param type description
autoTriggerIsInScreen boolean default: false. Is auto trigger isInScreen to elements
autoTriggerIsInScreenTime number default: 1500. unit: ms
lazyExtra number default: 1000,Setup lasy load area. (doesn't include screen height)

LazyloadView children components params

children props type description
lazyloadSrc string, object default: none. Image component should be <Image lazyloadSrc={'URL'}> or <Image lazyloadSrc={{uri:'URL'}}>
lazyRender boolean default: false. Using lazy reader feature. When components in screen will trigger setState({ isRendered: true }) for component. Only trigger once.
lazyInScreen boolean default: false. When components in screen will trigger setState({ isInScreen: true }),Only trigger once.

how to use

npm install react-native-scrollview-lazyload --save

  • Lazy load image: <Image lazyloadSrc={'LOAD_SOURCE'} />
  • Lazy load image: <Image lazyloadSrc={{src:'LOAD_SOURCE'}} />
  • Lazy load components: <View lazyRender={true} />
  • Trigger components in screen: <View lazyInScreen={true} />
  • Lazy load area(default is 1000): <LazyloadView lazyExtra={1000}></LazyloadView>
var React = require('react-native');
var {
} = React;

var LazyComponent = React.createClass({
    getDefaultProps: function() {
        return {
            lazyRender: false
    getInitialState: function() {
        return {
            isRendered: !this.props.lazyRender,
    shouldComponentUpdate: function() {
        // forceRender is dont used lazy render
        if(this.state.isRendered && !this.props.forceRender) {
            return false;

        return true;
    renderLoading: function() {
        return (
    render: function(){
        var content = (<View>{this.props.children}</View>) || null;

        if(!this.state.isRendered && this.props.lazyRender) {
            content = this.renderLoading();

        return (
            <View {...this.props}>

var InScreenComponents = React.createClass({
    shouldComponentUpdate: function() {
        // forceRender is dont used lazy render
        if(this.state.isInScreen) {
            this.setState({ title: 'Is in screen first time'})

        return false;
    render: function(){
        return (
            <View {...this.props}>
                <Text>{this.state.title || 'Never in screen'}</Text>

var LazyloadView = require('@ali/react-native-lazyloadview');


render: function() {
    // ListView
    var body = [],
        rowStyle = {
            height: 60,
            alignItems: 'center',
            justifyContent: 'center',
            flexDirection: 'row',
        renderElement = function(d){
            return (
                <View style={rowStyle} ref={d.ref}>
                            width: 60,
                            height: 60,
                            position: 'absolute',
                            left: 0,
                    <Text>Row: {d.index}</Text>

    for(var i = 0 ; i < 100; i++) {
            ref: 'row' + i,
            img: 'https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=8&txt=60%C3%9760&w=60&h=60',
            index: i,

    return (
            contentInset={{top: 0, bottom: 20}}
            renderRow={(rowData, sectionID, rowID, highlightRow) => {
                // console.log('renderRow = ', rowData, rowID);
                return renderElement(rowData);
            _onScroll={(e) => {
                console.log('_onScroll = ', e.nativeEvent);

    // ScrollView
    var body = [],
        rowStyle = {
            height: 60,
            alignItems: 'center',
            justifyContent: 'center',
            flexDirection: 'row',
        imgStyle = {
            width: 60,
            height: 60,
            position: 'absolute',
            left: 0,

    for(var i = 0 ; i < 100; i++) {
        var imageUrl = 'https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=8&txt=60%C3%9760&w=60&h=60';
            <View style={rowStyle} ref={'row'+i}>
                <Text>Row: {i}</Text>
                    <Image source={{uri: imageUrl}}>

    return (
            _onScroll={(e) => {

            _onScrollEndDrag={(e) => {

            _renderHeader={(e) => {
                // when add this props please return something
                return (<Text>HEADER</Text>);