
Template for machine learning projects based in python.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Project Name

-- Project Status: [Active, On-Hold, Completed]

Project Intro/Objective

The purpose of this project is ________. (Describe the main goals of the project and potential civic impact. Limit to a short paragraph, 3-6 Sentences)


Name Github Page Personal Website
Iskriyana iskriyana

Methods Used

  • Inferential Statistics
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Visualization
  • Predictive Modeling
  • etc.


  • R
  • Python
  • D3
  • PostGres, MySql
  • Pandas, jupyter
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • etc.

Project Description

(Provide more detailed overview of the project. Talk a bit about your data sources and what questions and hypothesis you are exploring. What specific data analysis/visualization and modelling work are you using to solve the problem? What blockers and challenges are you facing? Feel free to number or bullet point things here)

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repo (for help see this tutorial).
  2. Raw Data is being kept [here](Repo folder containing raw data) within this repo.
  3. Data processing/transformation scripts are being kept [here](Repo folder containing data processing scripts/notebooks)
  4. etc...
  5. Follow setup [instructions](Link to file)

Featured Notebooks/Analysis/Deliverables

This file structure is based on the DSSG machine learning pipeline.