- open
folder where you can find lexer.l & parser.y. You can already find compiler.exe. In case you want to generate a new compiler.exe, run the following commands:
- flex lexer.l
- bison --yacc -d ./parser.y
- g++ .\lex.yy.c .\y.tab.c .\SymbolTable.cpp -o compiler -std=c++11
- Run compiler on any txt file of your choice by running the following command:
- ./compiler.exe ./testcase.txt
To Run GUI, please make sure that you have node installed and followed the previous compilation steps:
- Navigate to
folder and run the following commands:
- cp ../src/compiler.exe . (if you want to try out a new compiler.exe)
- npm i
- node index.js
- Navigate to
folder and run the following commands:
- npm i
- npm run dev