
This project trains model for regression and analyze a dataset

Primary LanguageMATLAB


In this Machine Learning assignment for CMPT 726 ML course at SFU, we trained model for regression and analyzed a dataset.

##Data The dataset is created from data provided by UNICEF’s State of the World’s Children 2013 report: (http://www.unicef.org/sowc2013/statistics.html)


Implemented linear basis function regression with polynomial basis functions. Used only monomials of a single variable and no cross-terms.

The following experiments were performed:

  • Created a MATLAB script polynomial regression.m for the following:

Fit a polynomial basis function regression (unregularized) for degree 1 to degree 6 polynomials. Plot training error and test error (in RMS error) versus polynomial degree.

  • Created a MATLAB script polynomial regression 1d.m for the following:

Perform regression using just a single input feature. Try features 8-15 (Total population - Low birthweight). For each (un-normalized) feature fit a degree 3 polynomial (unregularized). Plot training error and test error (in RMS error) for each of the 8 features.

###Sigmoid Basis Function

  • Created a MATLAB script sigmoid regression.m for the following:

Implement regression using sigmoid basis functions for a single input feature. Use two sigmoid basis functions, with µ = 100, 10000 and s = 2000. Include a bias term. Use un-normalized features. Fit this regression model using feature 11 (GNI per capita).

###Regularized Polynomial Regression

  • Create a MATLAB script polynomial regression reg.m for the following:

Implement L2-regularized regression. Fit a degree 2 polynomial using λ = {0, .01, .1, 1, 10, 102, 103, 104}. Use normalized features as input. Use 10-fold cross-validation to decide on the best value for λ. Produce a plot of average validation set error versus λ. Use a semilogx plot, putting λ on a log scale.