
Mirador viewer integration with drupal and Islandora

Primary LanguagePHP


This module was created as a proof of concept. Not as of yet integrated into islandora. The sample object is pulled from Stanford, so it may not alwasy be available. Metadata should still be available.


We will need an IIIF compatible image server to complete the integration. djatoka will do the job, but we will need to add to its functionality to pull content from it (IIIF translations on djatoka urls). This has not been tested yet, but internal testing has shown it can be done. Check out https://github.com/jronallo/djatoka for what was used to successfully pull this off.


Install as usual, see this for further information. The sample object (pulled from Stanford University) can be viewed by navigating to {site}/islandora_mirador/view/islandora%3Aroot.


Check out this link for more information on the image format, available viewers and image servers: http://iiif.io/apps-demos.html