
A little list of useful and free resources to help you get started with frontend

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Frontend Resources [ALL OF THEM FREE]

πŸ“š Other roadmaps or fonts of inspiration

Developer Roadmap

Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2020. Frontend, Backend and DevOps.

Technology Radar

List of tools that you should learn, ordered by most important to least.

🌝 Guide to becoming a self-taught software developer

Guide to becoming a self-taught software developer

❗ Doing X in Y

The videos of β€œDoing X in Y seconds / minutes” are just to have a quick basic knowledge about what that technology is about.

πŸš€ Basic

πŸ’… CSS

🎨 Mockups


πŸ› οΈ JavaScript

πŸ“¦ Redux

πŸ‘‘ React

πŸ“± React Native


Testing libraries

πŸ“ Other fonts