
The Clerk REST Backend API, meant to be accessed by backend servers. Please see for more information.

This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: v1
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.python.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit


Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import clerk_client 


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import clerk_client

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

from __future__ import print_function

from pprint import pprint

import clerk_client
from clerk_client.configuration import Configuration
from import ApiException

configuration = Configuration()

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = clerk_client.ActorTokensApi(clerk_client.ApiClient(configuration))
body = clerk_client.ActorTokensBody()  # ActorTokensBody |  (optional)

    # Create actor token
    api_response = api_instance.create_actor_token(body=body)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ActorTokensApi->create_actor_token: %s\n" % e)

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = clerk_client.ActorTokensApi(clerk_client.ApiClient(configuration))
actor_token_id = 'actor_token_id_example'  # str | The ID of the actor token to be revoked.

    # Revoke actor token
    api_response = api_instance.revoke_actor_token(actor_token_id)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ActorTokensApi->revoke_actor_token: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
ActorTokensApi create_actor_token POST /actor_tokens Create actor token
ActorTokensApi revoke_actor_token POST /actor_tokens/{actor_token_id}/revoke Revoke actor token
AllowListBlockListApi create_allowlist_identifier POST /allowlist_identifiers Add identifier to the allow-list
AllowListBlockListApi create_blocklist_identifier POST /blocklist_identifiers Add identifier to the block-list
AllowListBlockListApi delete_allowlist_identifier DELETE /allowlist_identifiers/{identifier_id} Delete identifier from allow-list
AllowListBlockListApi delete_blocklist_identifier DELETE /blocklist_identifiers/{identifier_id} Delete identifier from block-list
AllowListBlockListApi list_allowlist_identifiers GET /allowlist_identifiers List all identifiers on the allow-list
AllowListBlockListApi list_blocklist_identifiers GET /blocklist_identifiers List all identifiers on the block-list
BetaFeaturesApi change_production_instance_domain POST /instance/change_domain Update production instance domain
BetaFeaturesApi update_instance_auth_config PATCH /beta_features/instance_settings Update instance settings
BetaFeaturesApi update_production_instance_domain PUT /beta_features/domain Update production instance domain
ClientsApi get_client GET /clients/{client_id} Get a client
ClientsApi get_client_list GET /clients List all clients
ClientsApi verify_client POST /clients/verify Verify a client
DomainsApi add_domain POST /domains Add a domain
DomainsApi delete_domain DELETE /domains/{domain_id} Delete a satellite domain
DomainsApi list_domains GET /domains List all instance domains
DomainsApi update_domain PATCH /domains/{domain_id} Update a domain
EmailAddressesApi create_email_address POST /email_addresses Create an email address
EmailAddressesApi delete_email_address DELETE /email_addresses/{email_address_id} Delete an email address
EmailAddressesApi get_email_address GET /email_addresses/{email_address_id} Retrieve an email address
EmailAddressesApi update_email_address PATCH /email_addresses/{email_address_id} Update an email address
EmailSMSTemplatesApi get_template GET /templates/{template_type}/{slug} Retrieve a template
EmailSMSTemplatesApi get_template_list GET /templates/{template_type} List all templates
EmailSMSTemplatesApi preview_template POST /templates/{template_type}/{slug}/preview Preview changes to a template
EmailSMSTemplatesApi revert_template POST /templates/{template_type}/{slug}/revert Revert a template
EmailSMSTemplatesApi toggle_template_delivery POST /templates/{template_type}/{slug}/toggle_delivery Toggle the delivery by Clerk for a template of a given type and slug
EmailSMSTemplatesApi upsert_template PUT /templates/{template_type}/{slug} Update a template for a given type and slug
InstanceSettingsApi update_instance PATCH /instance Update instance settings
InstanceSettingsApi update_instance_organization_settings PATCH /instance/organization_settings Update instance organization settings
InstanceSettingsApi update_instance_restrictions PATCH /instance/restrictions Update instance restrictions
InvitationsApi create_invitation POST /invitations Create an invitation
InvitationsApi list_invitations GET /invitations List all invitations
InvitationsApi revoke_invitation POST /invitations/{invitation_id}/revoke Revokes an invitation
JWKSApi get_jwks GET /jwks Retrieve the JSON Web Key Set of the instance
JWTTemplatesApi create_jwt_template POST /jwt_templates Create a JWT template
JWTTemplatesApi delete_jwt_template DELETE /jwt_templates/{template_id} Delete a Template
JWTTemplatesApi get_jwt_template GET /jwt_templates/{template_id} Retrieve a template
JWTTemplatesApi list_jwt_templates GET /jwt_templates List all templates
JWTTemplatesApi update_jwt_template PATCH /jwt_templates/{template_id} Update a JWT template
MiscellaneousApi get_public_interstitial GET /public/interstitial Returns the markup for the interstitial page
OAuthApplicationsApi create_o_auth_application POST /oauth_applications Create an OAuth application
OAuthApplicationsApi delete_o_auth_application DELETE /oauth_applications/{oauth_application_id} Delete an OAuth application
OAuthApplicationsApi get_o_auth_application GET /oauth_applications/{oauth_application_id} Retrieve an OAuth application by ID
OAuthApplicationsApi list_o_auth_applications GET /oauth_applications Get a list of OAuth applications for an instance
OAuthApplicationsApi rotate_o_auth_application_secret POST /oauth_applications/{oauth_application_id}/rotate_secret Rotate the client secret of the given OAuth application
OAuthApplicationsApi update_o_auth_application PATCH /oauth_applications/{oauth_application_id} Update an OAuth application
OrganizationInvitationsApi create_organization_invitation POST /organizations/{organization_id}/invitations Create and send an organization invitation
OrganizationInvitationsApi create_organization_invitation_bulk POST /organizations/{organization_id}/invitations/bulk Bulk create and send organization invitations
OrganizationInvitationsApi get_organization_invitation GET /organizations/{organization_id}/invitations/{invitation_id} Retrieve an organization invitation by ID
OrganizationInvitationsApi list_organization_invitations GET /organizations/{organization_id}/invitations Get a list of organization invitations
OrganizationInvitationsApi list_pending_organization_invitations GET /organizations/{organization_id}/invitations/pending Get a list of pending organization invitations
OrganizationInvitationsApi revoke_organization_invitation POST /organizations/{organization_id}/invitations/{invitation_id}/revoke Revoke a pending organization invitation
OrganizationMembershipsApi create_organization_membership POST /organizations/{organization_id}/memberships Create a new organization membership
OrganizationMembershipsApi delete_organization_membership DELETE /organizations/{organization_id}/memberships/{user_id} Remove a member from an organization
OrganizationMembershipsApi list_organization_memberships GET /organizations/{organization_id}/memberships Get a list of all members of an organization
OrganizationMembershipsApi update_organization_membership PATCH /organizations/{organization_id}/memberships/{user_id} Update an organization membership
OrganizationMembershipsApi update_organization_membership_metadata PATCH /organizations/{organization_id}/memberships/{user_id}/metadata Merge and update organization membership metadata
OrganizationsApi create_organization POST /organizations Create an organization
OrganizationsApi delete_organization DELETE /organizations/{organization_id} Delete an organization
OrganizationsApi delete_organization_logo DELETE /organizations/{organization_id}/logo
OrganizationsApi get_organization GET /organizations/{organization_id} Retrieve an organization by ID or slug
OrganizationsApi list_organizations GET /organizations Get a list of organizations for an instance
OrganizationsApi merge_organization_metadata PATCH /organizations/{organization_id}/metadata Merge and update metadata for an organization
OrganizationsApi update_organization PATCH /organizations/{organization_id} Update an organization
OrganizationsApi upload_organization_logo PUT /organizations/{organization_id}/logo Upload a logo for the organization
PhoneNumbersApi create_phone_number POST /phone_numbers Create a phone number
PhoneNumbersApi delete_phone_number DELETE /phone_numbers/{phone_number_id} Delete a phone number
PhoneNumbersApi get_phone_number GET /phone_numbers/{phone_number_id} Retrieve a phone number
PhoneNumbersApi update_phone_number PATCH /phone_numbers/{phone_number_id} Update a phone number
ProxyChecksApi verify_domain_proxy POST /proxy_checks Verify the proxy configuration for your domain
RedirectURLsApi create_redirect_url POST /redirect_urls Create a redirect URL
RedirectURLsApi delete_redirect_url DELETE /redirect_urls/{id} Delete a redirect URL
RedirectURLsApi get_redirect_url GET /redirect_urls/{id} Retrieve a redirect URL
RedirectURLsApi list_redirect_urls GET /redirect_urls List all redirect URLs
SAMLConnectionsBetaApi create_saml_connection POST /saml_connections Create a SAML Connection
SAMLConnectionsBetaApi delete_saml_connection DELETE /saml_connections/{saml_connection_id} Delete a SAML Connection
SAMLConnectionsBetaApi get_saml_connection GET /saml_connections/{saml_connection_id} Retrieve a SAML Connection by ID
SAMLConnectionsBetaApi list_saml_connections GET /saml_connections Get a list of SAML Connections for an instance
SAMLConnectionsBetaApi update_saml_connection PATCH /saml_connections/{saml_connection_id} Update a SAML Connection
SessionsApi create_session_token_from_template POST /sessions/{session_id}/tokens/{template_name} Create a session token from a jwt template
SessionsApi get_session GET /sessions/{session_id} Retrieve a session
SessionsApi get_session_list GET /sessions List all sessions
SessionsApi revoke_session POST /sessions/{session_id}/revoke Revoke a session
SessionsApi verify_session POST /sessions/{session_id}/verify Verify a session
SignInTokensApi create_sign_in_token POST /sign_in_tokens Create sign-in token
SignInTokensApi revoke_sign_in_token POST /sign_in_tokens/{sign_in_token_id}/revoke Revoke the given sign-in token
SignUpsApi update_sign_up PATCH /sign_ups/{id} Update a sign-up
UsersApi ban_user POST /users/{user_id}/ban Ban a user
UsersApi create_user POST /users Create a new user
UsersApi delete_user DELETE /users/{user_id} Delete a user
UsersApi delete_user_profile_image DELETE /users/{user_id}/profile_image Delete user profile image
UsersApi disable_mfa DELETE /users/{user_id}/mfa Disable a user's MFA methods
UsersApi get_o_auth_access_token GET /users/{user_id}/oauth_access_tokens/{provider} Retrieve the OAuth access token of a user
UsersApi get_user GET /users/{user_id} Retrieve a user
UsersApi get_user_list GET /users List all users
UsersApi get_users_count GET /users/count Count users
UsersApi lock_user POST /users/{user_id}/lock Lock a user
UsersApi set_user_profile_image POST /users/{user_id}/profile_image Set user profile image
UsersApi unban_user POST /users/{user_id}/unban Unban a user
UsersApi unlock_user POST /users/{user_id}/unlock Unlock a user
UsersApi update_user PATCH /users/{user_id} Update a user
UsersApi update_user_metadata PATCH /users/{user_id}/metadata Merge and update a user's metadata
UsersApi users_get_organization_memberships GET /users/{user_id}/organization_memberships Retrieve all memberships for a user
UsersApi verify_password POST /users/{user_id}/verify_password Verify the password of a user
UsersApi verify_totp POST /users/{user_id}/verify_totp Verify a TOTP or backup code for a user
WebhooksApi create_svix_app POST /webhooks/svix Create a Svix app
WebhooksApi delete_svix_app DELETE /webhooks/svix Delete a Svix app
WebhooksApi generate_svix_auth_url POST /webhooks/svix_url Create a Svix Dashboard URL

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

