
Book My Bus - Full-Stack Bus Booking Website built with Express JS

Primary LanguageEJS

Group 01

Team Leader details

  • Name : Thenuri Sandara

Member 1 details

  • Name : Samadee Kularatne

Member 2 details

  • Name : Sachintha Lakmin

Table of Content

  1. About the Project
  2. Features
  3. Screenshots
  4. Installation

About the project

This is a web application that has been develped as part of the semeter break project to book buses where forigners can book buses to go on trips and also there is a option for bus owrners to add there buses so that people can hire them.

This application is developed for the purpose of learning fullstack development.

system is built using

node Logo express Logo bootstrap ejs

This application is developed using NodeJS , ExpressJS , HTML , CSS , Bootstrap , EJS.

Google Distance Matrix API is used for calculating the distance between two locations when booking a bus.

Project Documents

View Project Proposal

View Project management plan

View Project Requirement Analysis

View Final Document

Postman API Collection

The Postman API Collection is avaliable here Postman API Collection


Features for All users:

  • Login functionality
  • Edit profile functionality
  • Logout functionality
  • Dashboard viewing functionality
  • View Bus/Van details
  • View Filtered Price Details (low to high/ high to low)
  • Chat functionality

Features for Admin user:

  • Approval of new Bus or Van
  • Termination of Bus or Van owner accounts

Features for Bus/Van Owner user:

  • Owner registration
  • Confirm booking
  • Cancel booking
  • Add Bus/Van
  • Edit Bus/Van details
  • Remove Bus/ Van

Features for Customer user:

  • Customer registration
  • Book a Bus/Van
  • Give a rating/review for previous bookings.
  • Cancel booking
  • Filter and sort vehicles


Below are the screenshots of the Booking system


  1. Clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/Thenuri/G01-COMF4004-22
  2. Install NPM packages

    npm install
  3. Copy the .env.example file and rename it to .env

    cp .env.example .env
  4. Add the database credentials to the .env file

  5. Import the database

    Import the database from the database folder to your database server

  6. Add the google maps api key to the .env file



If you don't have a google maps api key you can get one from here

  1. Generate JWT secret key

    Run node in terminal, generate token with the following


    More info: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/nodejs-jwt-expressjs

    Add the generated key to the .env file

  2. Run the application

    npm start