
  • I hope you will read me and learn with me a new way to download any project and run it in any version without any suffering

  • A project programmed using the Flutter framework

  • The "lib" folder and the "assets" folders necessary for the project to work are loaded In addition to downloading the “pubspec.yaml” file.

  • To download project files: Download it as a zip file, then go to the code editor and create a new Flutter project. Replace the "lib" folder and add the rest of the folders in their correct place. Go to the “test” folder, enter the “widget_test.dart” file, and on line 16, process the name based on the name in the “main” file. Then go to the "pubspec.yaml" file and list the existing libraries needed for the project to get the latest version.

  • In fact, this process does not take more than 4 minutes to run your project.

  • The many updates to the gradle file made me teach you this way to upload my project files in a way that does not suffer from gradle version differences in the coming years.

  • For more information, contact me and I will help you with programming using Flutter.

Greetings from Engineer: Ismail Al-Ismail Tech 365 Administrator