
Quiz app server using nodej and express

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Nagwa Quiz Server App

Nagwa quiz sever app is a nodeJs&Express Backend App Skeleton for handling API Requests.


  1. Make sure you have installed node on your machine.
  2. Download The Repo.
  3. Hit Command: $ cd repo-name
  4. Hit Command: $ node app.js
  5. Start using your endpoints.


  • Your project will now be running on port 3000 so your base url would be: http://localhost:3000

  • we have two endpoints here the first one is : "/api/get-random-words" it's a 'GET' request. it returns us a new array of different ten words.

  • The other endpoint would be get: "/api/calculate-rank/:score". it takes the final score and returns the student rank.