Israel Laguan's Portfolio

My personal Portfolio, built with HTML5, CSS, some JavaScript and a lot of 💖!

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Hi, I am Israel Laguan, a professional full stack developer willing to collaborate as a team player building better code.

Welcome to my portfolio, I want to show you my skills and why I consider myself a professional programmer!

About Portfolio Website

The website is done without any framework: HTML, CSS, VanillaJS. I've made the whole process from designing to make animations. A lot of researching is involved but I am happy about the result.

I've added the code to GitHub, sans sensitive configuration files, so that prospective employers, clients and colleagues can have a snoop around my code.

The website is meant to be short, flashy and atractive, but maybe you want to more about me or take a look to my code. Please visit [My Projects][] repository and [My Codes Biblion Project][]!

Featured Projects (and some extras)

More about me

I studied maths before starting to work for a game company called Vertex Studio. Then I moved to Colombia and worked as a freelancer developing several production-ready backend and frontend projects. Lately, I entered Microverse, where I fine-tuned my software technical skills along with my professionalism as a remote programmer. Would you mind if I set up a quick call next week for us to talk about any upcoming opportunities on your team? Please email me or reach to my socials networks


contributions welcome

  • Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the issues page.

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