
Share buttons links for websites, blogs and more.

Primary LanguageVue

Getting started


You can install it using yarn add share-button-links or npm install share-button-links.

To import it inside your components just add:

import {
} from "share-button-links/components/buttons";

To import the CSS or SCSS just add:

@import "share-button-links/main.css";

/* or */

@import "share-button-links/main.scss";

Note: Most of the svg icons in buttons belong to Bootstrap Icons. and others to Tabler Icons.



Import button components:

import { 
} from "share-button-links/components/buttons";

All options: ButtonCopy, ButtonEmail, ButtonFacebook, ButtonTelegram, ButtonLinkedIn, ButtonPinterest, ButtonPocket, ButtonReddit, ButtonTumblr, ButtonTwitter, and ButtonWhatsapp.

Icon Buttons

Import icon button components:

import {
} from 'share-button-links/components/icons';

All options: FacebookIcon, WhatsappIcon, TelegramIcon, TwitterIcon, LinkedInIcon, RedditIcon, PinterestIcon, TumblrIcon, PocketIcon, EmailIcon, CopyIcon.

Button Group

Import button group component:

import ButtonGroup from 'share-button-links/components/button-group';

All options: facebookIcon, whatsappIcon, telegramIcon, twitterIcon, linkedInIcon, redditIcon, pinterestIcon, tumblrIcon, pocketIcon, emailIcon, and copyIcon.