- 8
Missing Highlights
#173 opened by spencer-thompson - 1
- 5
Treesitter context covers minimap
#170 opened by ethanuppal - 0
- 6
bug: `bufOn` and `winOn` invoke errors
#185 opened by Jaehaks - 2
bug: Error when using Neominimap toggle command
#178 opened by DanWlker - 1
bug: neominimap no longer follows config in lazy.vim
#177 opened by Reverier-Xu - 6
Todo Comments
#156 opened by spencer-thompson - 13
Add `marks` in minimap
#129 opened by echaya - 5
Prevent miminap from refreshing on neovim enter
#157 opened by JoseConseco - 1
styles not applied anymore
#153 opened by Ryzzen - 1
Current line - draw it on top of git signs
#149 opened by JoseConseco - 1
buf and win -api calls not working
#148 opened by svampkorg - 4
Changed lines show in wrong spot.
#136 opened by JoseConseco - 2
Open in split instead of floating window
#106 opened by LoricAndre - 1
Auto close when spliting a window?
#52 opened by AGou-ops - 7
Errors on loading existing session
#37 opened by oalders - 2
- 3