Integration Guidelines


aamarPay Payment Gateway enables Merchants to receive money from their customers by temporarily redirecting them to The gateway is connecting multiple payment terminal including card system, mobile financial system, local and International wallet. After the payment is complete, the customer is returned to the merchant's site and seconds later the Merchant receives notification about the payment along with the details of the transaction. This document is intended to be utilized by technical personnel supporting the online Merchant's website. Working knowledge of HTML forms or cURL is required. You will probably require test accounts for which you need to open accounts via contact with or already provided to you.

API Operations

REST APIs are supported in two environments. Use the Sandbox environment for testing purposes, then move to the live environment for production processing. When testing, generate an order url with your test credentials to make calls to the Sandbox URIs. When you’re set to go live, use the live credentials assigned to your new signature key to generate a live order url to be used with the live URIs.

For Testing Purpose, use following Store ID and Signature Key :

store_id: "aamarpaytest",
signature_key: "dbb74894e82415a2f7ff0ec3a97e4183"

And hit the API: with your json data.

For Production, use your Store ID and Signature Key (provided by aamarPay) :

store_id: "YOUR STORE ID",
signature_key: "YOUR SIGNATURE KEY"

And hit the API: with your json data.


Parameter Description Required Example
store_id Store ID will be provided by aamarpay Yes aamarpaytest
signature_key Signature key will be provided by aamarpay Yes dbb74894e82415a2f7ff0ec3a97e4183
cus_name Client's name Yes Imtiaz Akil
cus_email Client's email address Yes
cus_phone Client's phone number Yes 01870762472
cus_add1 Client's primary address Yes Dhaka
cus_add2 Client's secondary Yes Dhaka
cus_city Client's city name Yes Dhaka
cus_country Client's country name Yes Bangladesh
amount Amount Yes 10.00
tran_id Unique transaction ID from merchant end Yes abCd422DedfE
currency Currency Yes BDT / USD
success_url Your success page link Yes
fail_url Your fail page link Yes
cancel_url Your cancel page link Yes
desc Payment description Yes T-Shirt
opt_a Optional Parameter No Test payment 1
opt_b Optional Parameter No Test payment 2
opt_C Optional Parameter No Test payment 3
type To pass json data Yes "json"


In success request :
request body :
store_id: "aamarpaytest",
signature_key: "dbb74894e82415a2f7ff0ec3a97e4183",
cus_name: "Imtiaz Akil",
cus_email: "",
cus_phone: "01870762472",
cus_add1: "53, Gausul Azam Road, Sector-14, Dhaka, Bangladesh",
cus_add2: "Dhaka",
cus_city: "Dhaka",
cus_country: "Bangladesh",
amount: "10.00",
tran_id: "14YToischo",
currency: "BDT",
success_url: "",
fail_url: "",
cancel_url: "",
desc: "Lend Money",
type: "json"
response body :
result: "true",
payment_url: ""
When customer redirect with payment URL then customer will get the payment methods.
NOTE: For sandbox only bKash payment method is available, when you initiate payment with live you will get all payment method.
After successful payment client will redirect your success page which you are already passing in our payment gateway as success_url and aamarPay will give you all data as POST method in your success_url
All return variable given below :
pg_service_charge_bdt: "0.21",
pg_service_charge_usd: "Not-Available",
pg_card_bank_name: "",
pg_card_bank_country: "",
card_number:: "01826323538",
card_holder: "",
cus_phone: "01870762472",
desc: "",
success_url: "http://localhost/aamarpay/callback/success.php",
fail_url: "",
cus_name: "Imtiaz Akil",
cus_email: "",
currency_merchant: "BDT",
convertion_rate: "",
ip_address: "",
other_currency: "10.00",
pay_status: "Successful",
pg_txnid: "AAM1604470136103451",
epw_txnid: "AAM1604470136103451",
mer_txnid: "asdkfljaw34543",
store_id: "aamarpaytest",
merchant_id: "aamarpaytest",
currency: "BDT",
store_amount: "9.79",
pay_time: "2020-11-04 12:09:15",
amount: "10.00",
bank_txn: "6ED4FIJ1G0",
card_type: "bKash-bKash",
pg_card_risklevel: "",
pg_error_code_details: "true",
opt_a: "",
opt_b: "",
opt_c: "",
Same data you will be get as a POST method in your fail_url when the transaction is failed.
Note: We do not submit any data in cancel_url, it will be your product page link or your home page link.
If you have any query you can contact with us at
For integration query you can email us at