
AI-generated remediations for Falco audit events

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


falco-gpt is an OpenAI powered tool to generate remediation actions for Falco audit events

MIT GitHub release Go Report

falco-gpt is an OpenAI powered tool to generate remediation actions for Falco audit events. It is a simple HTTP server that listens for Falco audit events and pushes them to an in-memory ring buffer in async manner. The event buffer is then processed by a goroutine that sends the audit events to OpenAI API by applying rate limiting and retries. The generated remediation actions are then sent to Slack via a webhook.







  • OpenAI powered
  • Async processing
  • Resiliency with retries
  • Rate limiting (queries per hour)
  • Custom prompt template
  • Limitation: Only Slack support for demo purposes

High Level Overview

                              |                                                      |
                              |                                        +----------+  |
                              |                             +--------->|          |  |
                              |                             |          |  OpenAI  |  |
+-------------+               | +-------------+       +-----+-------+  |    API   |  |
|             |               | |             |       |  Retryable  |<-+          |  |
|    falco    |  Send audits  | |  falco-gpt  |Push To| Rate-Limited|  +----------+  |
|  instances  +-------------->| | HTTP Server +------>|    Async    |                |
|(http_output)|    [POST]     | |   (:8080)   |Buffer |    Queue    |  +----------+  |
|             |               | |             |       |  Processor  |  |          |  |
+-------------+               | +-------------+       +------+------+  |  Slack   |  |
                              |                              |         | Webhook  |  |
                              |                              +-------->|          |  |
                              |                                        +----------+  |
                              |                                                      |



  1. Export the following environment variables:
  1. Falco with http_output enabled:
helm upgrade --install falco falcosecurity/falco --namespace falco --create-namespace \
  --set falco.json_output=true \
  --set falco.http_output.enabled=true \
  --set falco.http_output.url=http://falco-gpt:8080


Build with go

go build .

Build with ko

KO_DOCKER_REPO=<REGISTRY> LDFLAGS="-s -w" ko publish -B --platform=linux/amd64 --tags latest --push=true .


Container Image:



envsubst < deployment.yaml | kubectl apply -n falco -f -


$ go run . <FLAGS>

-buffer int
    falco log buffer size (default 1000)
-min-priority string
    minimum priority to analyse (default "warning")
-model string
    Backend AI model (default "gpt-3.5-turbo")
-port int
    port to listen on (default 8080)
-qps int
    queries per HOUR to OpenAI and Slack (default 10)
-template-file string
    path custom template file to use for the ChatGPT


Your audit log payloads will be sent to OpenAI to generate remediation actions. This project currently does not anonymize the audit log payloads. Please be aware of this when using this tool if you are concerned about your sensitive data. Use at your own risk. By using this tool, you agree that you are solely responsible for any and all consequences; and that the author(s) of this tool are not liable for any damages or losses of any kind.


falco-gpt was created by Furkan 'Dentrax' Türkal

The base project code is licensed under MIT unless otherwise specified. Please see the LICENSE file for more information.

Best Regards