
A quick and easy calculator that tells you what mark you need to achieve on your exams for each grade (HD, DN, CR, PP).

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A quick and easy calculator that tells you what mark you need to achieve on your exams for each milestone. The calculator is hosted by GitHub, to use it go here: issung.github.io/ExamMarkCalculator/

This is a very basic calculator with a sole function of calculating what mark you need to achieve on your school examination for each mark milestone. This calculator uses the milestones of my university, I am not sure if they differ at other universities. The marks are:

  • High Distinction (80% or above)
  • Distinction (70% or above)
  • Credit (60% or above)
  • Pass (50% or above)

These numbers are on the calculator incase you forget.

There are some basic features to tote:

  • Supports having multiple units, you can also name and delete them.
  • Saves your data on your local machine, so if you come back again in the future your data will still be there.
  • Lightweight code, 3 files total (html, css and javascript), no server-side scripts, leading to a instant-loading experience to get your answers fast.
  • Dark theme designed by an actual designer (Tyler Hall).
  • Made by an actual student (Me).

If you find any issues or have any suggestions please contact me or use the issues section of this repository.

Good luck on your exams!