
A side scrolling shooter full of retro character!

Primary LanguageGame Maker Language


"Tokyo Korb 2049" was a small scrolling-shooter game I developed during my 2nd year of college. A full playthrough of the demo can be viewed on YouTube.

The game can also be downloaded and played from the releases page.

The game's intro, a homage to Super Metroid.

Everything in the game was developed/created by myself other than the dog sprite (Credit to Toby Fox) and the music.

The first level of the game.

The game was developed during a funny period of my technological advancement, I was beginning to grasp object oriented design and game engines better but had to finish this game on time for school, so stuck with the primitive GameMaker in which everything was a pain to do, but was doable if you constantly did hacky workarounds.

Because of this the programming aspect of this project was not terribly enjoyable, while I did stretch GameMaker to it's limits in some places, the most enjoyable aspects of the project were the game design, art and sounds which all togther made the game actually end up pretty fun and looking/sounding pretty good too (in my opinion)!.

The second level of the game.

My personal favourite parts of the game are:

  • The Super Metroid rip off homage at the start of the game.
  • Watching the art I spent so long designing and making scroll by in a parralax manner in the background.
  • The mini-dog powerup, it's just so cute! Dog
  • The final boss fight, I spent so damn long on this boss fight, it's code is absolute spaghetti thanks to GameMaker but I super enjoyed designing the fight and the boss.

The final boss of the game.

Note: As mentioned previously, not everything in this repository/game belongs to me! Credit for all unoriginal pieces of media goes to the original creators!