
Creating Universe With OOP JAVA is a concept and sample of a simple Story solution. From that story this conceptual program is build and this is a demo project for any students for learning purpose.

Primary LanguageJava


Creating Universe With OOP JAVA is a concept and sample of a simple Story solution. From that story this conceptual program is build and this is a demo project for my students for learning purpose. . . . Different type of outcomes of this story is possible. If you think there is another way you can make that yourself.


Output Demo

Story and Question

Earth is a Planet. Planet is made of a large amount of Soil and Rocks. Moon is a Satellite. Every Satellite has a Radius. Moon can Light up the Earth at night. Every planet Spins on its own axis. Every Planet has a Radius. Earth has 6371km and Moon has 1737km radius. There are Eight more planet like Earth named Marcury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. All of this planet exist within a Solar System. Every solar system has a Star. All of the planet Revolves around the Star. Sun is a star. Sun emits energy. Now build our Solar System with OOP concept as much as you can..... [hints: SolarSystem exist in a Galaxy. So, Galaxy will hold the main class.]