
Simple project for Weather Forecast. Made for diploma at university

Primary LanguageJava



WeatherApp - is a mobile application for Android OC. It's main purpose - obtain weather information. Functions that are currently done:

  • Search and add cities in favorite list;
  • Get weather by your GPS coordinates;
  • Window with hourly weather forecast for the day;
  • Storing weather data in sqlite db, to provide forcast even if user is offline.

Now working on:

  • Weekly weather forecast;

It is planned to add the following features:

  • Analysis of "extreme" weather conditions such as rain, fog, storm and other for the day. Warn user about them through main application window and/or a by the notification.

How it's look now


What was used

The Application was developed on Java with using the following means:

  • Android Studio IDE and Gradle;
  • To create a weather icons and other visual elements used Adobe Photoshop CS5;
  • For conversion images to vector images Vector Magic was used;
  • For weather data I used API of OpenWeatherMap.org;
  • Retrofit and GSON for connection with server and parsing incoming data;



  CityAdapter - creating a list with favorite cities in CitiesFragment;

  DailyWeatherAdapter - creating a list with daily forecast in DayForecastFragment;


  CitiesFragment - first window of application with favorite cities;

  MainWindowFragmet - second window of application with current weather data;

  DayForecastFragment - third window of application with daily forecast;

  TabsPagerAdapter - work with this three fragments


  ApiClient - creating retrofit object;

  APIWeatherInterface - for retrofit's request methods;

  OpenWeatherMapAPI - class for request data from OpenWeatherMap.org server;

Presenters - classes with presenters for each view;

Model - pojo classes which used by retrofit and PreferencesAPI

  CitySuggectionProvider - for getting cities search suggestion;

  PreferencesAPI - saving favorite cities in preferences file;