Building the API client library requires Maven to be installed.
To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:
mvn install
To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:
mvn deploy
Refer to the official documentation for more information.
Maven users
Add this dependency to your project's POM:
At first generate the JAR by executing:
mvn package
Then manually install the following JARs:
- target/swagger-java-client-1.0.0.jar
- target/lib/*.jar
Getting Started
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.Scimv2BulkApi;
import java.util.*;
public class Scimv2BulkApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scimv2BulkApi apiInstance = new Scimv2BulkApi();
List<String> attributes = Arrays.asList("attributes_example"); // List<String> | SCIM defined attributes parameter.
List<String> excludedAttributes = Arrays.asList("excludedAttributes_example"); // List<String> | SCIM defined excludedAttribute parameter.
String body = "body_example"; // String |
try {
apiInstance.createBulk(attributes, excludedAttributes, body);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling Scimv2BulkApi#createBulk");
Documentation for API Endpoints
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
Scimv2BulkApi | createBulk | POST | Return the bulk which was created. |
Scimv2GroupsApi | createGroup | POST | Return the group which was created |
Scimv2GroupsApi | deleteGroup | DELETE | Delete the group with the given id |
Scimv2GroupsApi | getGroup | GET | Return groups according to the filter, sort and pagination parameters |
Scimv2GroupsApi | getGroupById | GET | Return the group with the given id |
Scimv2GroupsApi | getGroupsByPost | POST | Return groups according to the filter, sort and pagination parameters |
Scimv2GroupsApi | updateGroup | PUT | Return the updated group |
Scimv2MeApi | createMe | POST | Return the user which was anonymously created |
Scimv2MeApi | deleteMe | DELETE | Delete the authenticated user. |
Scimv2MeApi | getMe | GET | Return the authenticated user. |
Scimv2MeApi | updateMe | PUT | Return the updated user |
Scimv2ResourceTypeApi | getResourceType | GET | Return the ResourceType schema. |
Scimv2ServiceProviderConfigApi | getServiceProviderConfig | GET | Return the ServiceProviderConfig schema. |
Scimv2UsersApi | createUser | POST | Return the user which was created |
Scimv2UsersApi | deleteUser | DELETE | Delete the user with the given id |
Scimv2UsersApi | getUser | GET | Return users according to the filter, sort and pagination parameters |
Scimv2UsersApi | getUserById | GET | Return the user with the given id |
Scimv2UsersApi | getUsersByPost | POST | Return users according to the filter, sort and pagination parameters |
Scimv2UsersApi | updateUser | PUT | Return the updated user |
Documentation for Models
Documentation for Authorization
All endpoints do not require authorization. Authentication schemes defined for the API:
It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient
per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.