
Search the OMDb API

MIT LicenseMIT


Search the OMDb API

Discontinued -- OMDb no longer free to use

Archived Content Follows

Task Details

  • Consume the OMDb API to fetch the top 10 results matching your search query (JSON).
  • Create an interface with at least one input field to be used to search for movies by title.
  • Present the results in real time and update the interface as the user types his search query.
  • Once the results are displayed allow the user to click on any particular movie to view its details.
  • On the movie details view display the plot and other information including the poster image.
  • Make your code and UI as clean as possible, be creative.
  • You have five business days from the moment you received the email linking to this repository to complete your task.


  • You can fork this repo or make your own.
  • Please use ES6, Typescript or ES5. No CoffeeScript.
  • You must create a SPA.
  • You can use any version of Angular, React or Vue (alternatively any framework you are most comfortable with).
  • You can include a package.json or other build tools and processors (Webpack, Babel, SASS tools, etc.).
  • You can use any CSS framework or make your own styles.
  • Please provide any install or runtime instructions in the readme.md.

OMDb API Examples

Please note that the OMDb API does not require any form of authentication. See the OMDb API documentation for all supported parameters.

Search by query

http://www.omdbapi.com/?s=ghost //results 1-10
http://www.omdbapi.com/?s=ghost&page=2 //  results 11-20
  • Returns the first 10 results based on the query value provided as s
  • Pagination can be added via &page=n, where n is 1-100

Movie Object Structure

    "Title": "Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol",
    "Year": "2011",
    "imdbID": "tt1229238",
    "Type": "movie",
    "Poster": "https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTY4MTUxMjQ5OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTUyMzg5Ng@@._V1_SX300.jpg"

View movie details by imdbID

  • Using the imdbID provided by the search results will let you fetch the details of a particular movie.