To develop an application implemented with Javascript to manage a students class.

Each requirement is assigned a number.
When we run the application, the complete list of requirements will appear.
The user must press the number corresponding to each requirement for it to be executed.
Once the execution is finished, we will show the list of requirements again so that the user can select another one.
If the user presses 0 or a number that is not contemplated, the application will finish.

Launch with `node practica_js/menu.js`


1 - Show all students in table format.
2 - Show the number of students in class on the console.
3 - Show the console all the names of the students.
4 - Eliminate the last student in class.
5 - Eliminate a student randomly from the class.
6 - Show the console all the data of the students who are women.
7 - Show the number of men and women in class on the console.
8 - Show true or false by console if all the students in class are women.
9 - Show the names of the students who will be between 20 and 25 years old on the console.
10 - Add a new student with the following information:

  - Random name.
  - Random age between 20 and 50 years.
  - Random genre.
  - Empty list of qualifications.
  * Important: name and gender have to match.

11- Display the name of the youngest student on the console.
  * Important: If several people in class share the lowest age, any of them is a valid answer.

12- Show the console the average age of all the students in class.
13- Display the average age of the girls on the console.
14- Add a new note to the students. For each student in class, we will have to calculate a note at random (number between 0 and 10) and add it to their list of notes.
15- Order the array of students alphabetically according to their names.


16- Show the student of the class with the best grades on the console.
(The student with the best grades is the one whose sum of all their grades is the highest value of all).
17- Display on the console the highest average grade of the class and the name of the student to whom it belongs.