
Этот проект предоставляет API для фармацевтического сайта на заказ

Primary LanguagePython

Django Dockerized E-commerce Project - Fohow

Created by OnlyDev

This project was created by the talented OnlyDev team, bringing together expertise in Django, Docker, and other cutting-edge technologies.


This Django-based project is a versatile e-commerce platform designed for Fohow, an online store. Utilizing Docker for containerization, it provides a scalable and portable solution for deploying the Fohow online store.


  • Product Catalog: Showcase a diverse range of Fohow products with detailed information.
  • Reviews: Enable customers to leave feedback on products and service.
  • Affiliate Program: Attract partners and grow your business by offering opportunities to participate in the affiliate program
  • User Authentication: Secure user accounts and authentication for a personalized shopping experience.
  • Admin Panel: Simplify store management with an easy-to-use Django administrative panel.

Tech Stack

  • Backend Framework: Django, DRF
  • Database: MySQL
  • Cache: Redis
  • Task Queue: Celery
  • Containerization: Docker
  • Web Server: Nginx
  • Programming Language: Python
  • Development Tools:
    • Test Coverage: Coverage
    • Sorting and Importing: Isort, Black
    • Linter and Static Analysis: Flake8
    • Docker Compose: Managing containers and services in Docker Compose

Getting Started

  1. Clone Repository:
     git clone https://github.com/ItSoda/Fohow.git
     cd Fohow
  2. Set Up Docker Environment:
     docker-compose up -d --build
  3. Create Superuser (Administrator):
     docker-compose exec fohow-api python manage.py createsuperuser

Access the Application:

Open your browser and go to or http://boar-still-alpaca.ngrok-free.app/ to explore the Fohow online store.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.