
Help you to Get, Post, Put, Delete your data on parse-server from react/react-native application in a very simple and easy way.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React Parse

React Parse is a set of actions and saga watchers that make your life easy to Get, POST, PUT, DELETE data on the server, you can fetch the data with our selectors from your redux store.

React Parse include 3 data provider components, to make the life even easier and let you get a collection from the server in less than 1 minute with the ability to filter result, create a new document and more...

Helpful only for react and react-native apps with parse server and redux as management

Table of content


1- install

npm i react-parse --save

2- Add to rootReducers

import {parseReducer} from 'react-parse';
const rootReducers = combineReducers({
  parse: parseReducer

3- Add to rootSaga

import {parseWatcher} from 'react-parse'
function* rootSaga() {
  yield all([
    call(parseWatcher, 'parseWatcher'),

4 - Init react-parse at your root component

import {config as reactParseConfig, setReactParseDispatch} from 'react-parse'

const apiConfig = { baseURL: envConfig.SERVER_URL, appId: envConfig.PARSE_ID }


5- on login, inject sessionToken

import {config as reactParseConfig } from 'react-parse'

6- on logout - remove sessionToken

import {config as reactParseConfig } from 'react-parse'


import { selectors, collectionActions } from 'react-parse';

class ReactParseExample extends React.Component {
	  componentWillMount() {
	   collectionActions.fetchData({ targetName: 'ProdctList', schemaName:  'Prodcts' })
    render() {
		const {prodcts, prodctsLoading } = this.props
    return (<div....)
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
  return {
    prodcts: selectors.selectCollectionData(state, 'ProdctList'),
    prodctsLoading: selectors.selectCollectionLoading(state, 'ProdctList'),

Actions - all what you need to do is to run action from your component

import {  collectionActions, cloudCodeActions, documentActions} from 'react-parse'

Use like that:
** we didn't need a dispatch to play the action

action payload options

key type info
schemaName string db schemaName
targetName string target to save the response from server
query object http://docs.parseplatform.org/rest/guide/#queries
limit number number of documents to include in each query
skip number number of documents to skip
include string pointer to include, example: 'Product,User'
keys string keys to include, , example: 'firstName,LastName'
enableCount boolean set true to count objects in the collection
autoRefresh boolean set to to refresh collection data on one of the document change from one of the document actions from the collectionActions
documentId string db document id
data object
functionName string cloud code function name
params object cloud code params
digToData string string that help us find your data, default is 'data.result'
logger object pass to your Logger relevant info

import all actions

import { actions } from  'react-parse';

import collectionActions:

import { collectionActions } from  'react-parse';
  • GET collection from server: fetchData({schemaName, targetName, query, limit, skip, include, keys, enableCount, logger})

  • POST document postDoc({schemaName, targetName, data, autoRefresh, logger})

  • PUT document putDoc({schemaName, targetName, objectId, data, autoRefresh, logger})

  • DELETE document deleteDoc({schemaName, targetName, objectId, autoRefresh, logger})

  • Refresh your data refreshCollection({targetName})

  • Clean collection from your store: cleanData({targetName})

  • Clean all collections from your store: cleanCollections()

import documentActions:

import { documentActions } from  'react-parse';
  • GET Document from server: fetchData({schemaName, targetName, objectId, include, keys, logger})

  • POST document postDoc({schemaName, targetName, data, logger})

  • PUT document putDoc({schemaName, targetName, objectId, data, logger})

  • DELETE document deleteDoc({schemaName, targetName, objectId, logger})

  • Update local data updateField({targetName, key, value, logger})

  • Clean document from your store: cleanData({targetName})

  • Clean all documents from your store: cleanDocuments()

import cloudCodeActions:

import { cloudCodeActions } from  'react-parse';
  • GET Document from server: fetchData({functionName, targetName, params, digTodata, logger})

  • Clean cloudCode from your store: cleanData({targetName})

  • Clean all codes code from your store: cleanCloudsCode()

View to Your redux store:

we use immutable-js and reselect

	collections: {
		myProducts: {
			status: 'FETCH_FINISHED',
			error: null,
			loading: false,
			data: [....],
			info: {
				schemaName : '',
				query: {...},
				skip: 0,
				enableCount: false,
  documnets: {...},
  clodeCodes: {...}

Selectors - the easy way to find what you want inside the store.


import { selectors } from  'react-parse';

const  mapStateToProps  = (state) => {
return {
	products:  selectors.selectCollectionData(state, 'TARGET_NAME'),
	showLoader:  selectors.selectCollectionLoading(state, 'TARGET_NAME'),
	isError: selectors.selectCollectionError(state, 'TARGET_NAME')	


import all selectors and get selectors list

import { selectors } from  'react-parse';

or import specific

import { cloudCodeSelectors, collectionSelectors, documentSelectors } from  'react-parse';

selector list:

  • Collection:
  1. selectCollections(state)
  2. selectCollectionData(state, 'TARGET_NAME')
  3. selectCollectionLoading(state, 'TARGET_NAME')
  4. selectCollectionInfo(state, 'TARGET_NAME')
  5. selectCollectionStatus(state, 'TARGET_NAME')
  6. selectCollectionError(state, 'TARGET_NAME')
  7. selectCollectionCount(state, 'TARGET_NAME')
  • Documnet:
  1. selectDocuments(state)
  2. selectDocumentData(state, 'TARGET_NAME')
  3. selectDocumentLoading(state, 'TARGET_NAME')
  4. selectDocumentInfo(state, 'TARGET_NAME')
  5. selectDocumentStatus(state, 'TARGET_NAME')
  6. selectDocumentError(state, 'TARGET_NAME')
  • Clode code:
  1. selectCloudCodes(state)
  2. selectCloudCodeData(state, 'TARGET_NAME')
  3. selectCloudCodeLoading(state, 'TARGET_NAME')
  4. selectCloudCodeInfo(state, 'TARGET_NAME')
  5. selectCloudCodeStatus(state, 'TARGET_NAME')
  6. selectCloudCodeError(state, 'TARGET_NAME')

status enum:







// PUT



First set the callbacks with setLoggerHandlers in each query your call back will run with => (type, action, status)

  • type - one of ['CLOUD_CODE', 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE']
  • action- action object , you can use action.logger to custom call back behavior
  • status - one of react-parse status, you can find them in status enum
import {setLoggerHandlers} from 'react-parse'

	onSuccess: (type, action, status)  => {
	 console.log('Send notification or something else:', type, action, status)
		onError: (type, action, status)  => {
	 console.log('Send notification or something else:', type, action, status)

Global Loader

import {ShowLoader} from 'react-parse'
class MyComponent extends React.Component {

    render() {
    	return (
		<ShowLoader render={(isLoading) => {
		isLoading ? <YourLoader /> : null

Component provider

Data provider components. Seamlessly bring Parse data into your Component with the ability to POST, PUT, DELETE from your component without connecting your component to store or run any action. all is in your props


With FetchDocument you can get specific document by collection name and objectId

import {FetchDocument} from 'react-parse'
	// optional:
	onFetchEnd={(error, {data, queryStatus})=>{}}
	onPostEnd={(error, {data, queryStatus})=>{}}
	onPutEnd={(error, {data, queryStatus})=>{}}
	onDeleteEnd={(error, {data, queryStatus})=>{}}
	leaveClean={true} // remove data from store on componentWillUnmount
	localFirst={false} // fetch data from server only if we can found your data on local store
	localOnly={false} // never fetch data from server, only find in store
	autoRefresh={false} // Fetch data after each create/update/delete doc
	// Want to pass somting to your component, add here
	userName: 'Ploni' // example

What props your component will get ?

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
		const {fetchProps, userName} = this.props
		const {
				  data: {...},
				  error , // Error from query
				  status , // query status
				  info, // info from store
				  isLoading, // bollean
				  refresh , // method, run to refresh data
				  deleteDoc, // method, run to delete the document
				  put, // method, run to update the document, put({title: 'newTitle'})
				  post,// method, run to create document, post({title: 'newDoc', body: 'ddd'})
				  cleanData, // method, run to clean store
				  	updateField, // method, run to update field in store, updateField(key, 'value')
				  id // doc id
		} = fetchProps
		return <View>...</View>
  • if the objectId is empty then use updateField and we save your inputs in the store, then you can use post method from your component and new doc will create for you in the server, the new doc id will be inside info


With FetchCollection you can get list of document by collection name

import {FetchCollection} from 'react-parse'
	// optional:
	onFetchEnd={(error, {data, queryStatus})=>{}}
	onPostEnd={(error, {data, queryStatus})=>{}}
	onPutEnd={(error, {data, queryStatus})=>{}}
	onDeleteEnd={(error, {data, queryStatus})=>{}}
	leaveClean={true} // remove data from store on componentWillUnmount
	localFirst={false} // fetch data from server only if we can found your data on local store
	localOnly={false} // never fetch data from server, only find in store
	autoRefresh={false} // Fetch data after each create/update/delete doc
	query={object} // 	http://docs.parseplatform.org/rest/guide/#queries
	order='' // default is '-createdAt', Specify a field to sort by
	skip={12} // skip first 12 documents
	limit={50} // limit query to 50 documents
	enableCount={true} return the amount of results in db
	// Want to pass somting to your component, add here
	userName: 'Ploni' // example

Cloud code:

With FetchCloudCode you can get list of document by collection name

import {FetchCloudCode} from 'react-parse'
	params={object} // cloud code params
	// optional:
	onFetchEnd={(error, {data, queryStatus})=>{}}
	leaveClean={true} // remove data from store on componentWillUnmount
	localFirst={false} // fetch data from server only if we can found your data on local store
	localOnly={false} // never fetch data from server, only find in store
	// Want to pass somting to your component, add here
	userName: 'Ploni' // example