
a simple & lightweight interpreter

Primary LanguageC


a simple & lightweight interpreter

Example files

$1="I said \"Hello\" and val is 0x%x\n"


I said "Hello" and val is 0x1234

A c program to run this program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "dynamic.h"

struct symbol symbols[] = {
    { "printf", &printf },
    { }

int main() {
    // Make sure this is mutable! (p.s. it will be destroyed after the run)
    char program[] = "$1=\"I said \\\"Hello\\\" and val is 0x%x\\n\"\n"
    if (dynamic_eval(program, symbols) != 0) {
        printf("dynami_c failed to parse the program\n");
        return -1;
    return 0;