
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


pdm-managed GitHub Super-Linter


  1. Install genash-cli

  2. Install PDM and run pdm sync

  3. If you want to be able to deploy to testnets, do the following:

    Set your WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID, and PRIVATE_KEY environment variables.

    You can get a WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID by getting a free trial of Infura. At the moment, it does need to be infura with brownie. If you get lost, follow the instructions here. You can find your PRIVATE_KEY from your ethereum wallet like metamask.

    You'll also need testnet ETH. You can get ETH into your wallet by using the faucet for the appropriate testnet. For Kovan, available faucets:

    You can add your environment variables to a .env file. You can use the .env_example in this repo as a template, just fill in the values and rename it to '.env'.

    Here is what your .env should look like:



To interact with a deployed contract in a local environment, start by opening the console:

pdm run brownie console

Next, deploy a test token:

>>> token = Token.deploy("Test Token", "TST", 18, 1e21, {'from': accounts[0]})

Transaction sent: 0x4a61edfaaa8ba55573603abd35403cf41291eca443c983f85de06e0b119da377
  Gas price: 0.0 gwei   Gas limit: 12000000
  Token.constructor confirmed - Block: 1   Gas used: 521513 (4.35%)
  Token deployed at: 0xd495633B90a237de510B4375c442C0469D3C161C

You now have a token contract deployed, with a balance of 1e21 assigned to accounts[0]:

>>> token
<Token Contract '0xd495633B90a237de510B4375c442C0469D3C161C'>

>>> token.balanceOf(accounts[0])

>>> token.transfer(accounts[1], 1e18, {'from': accounts[0]})
Transaction sent: 0xb94b219148501a269020158320d543946a4e7b9fac294b17164252a13dce9534
  Gas price: 0.0 gwei   Gas limit: 12000000
  Token.transfer confirmed - Block: 2   Gas used: 51668 (0.43%)

<Transaction '0xb94b219148501a269020158320d543946a4e7b9fac294b17164252a13dce9534'>

Deploying to a Live Network

Assuming you followed step 3 in the prerequisites, then:

pdm run brownie run deploy --network kovan


To run the tests:

pdm run brownie test


We are using pre-commit:

  1. Install hook to be performed as a hook before commit changes - pre-commit install
  2. In order to run pre-commit without commit- pre-commit run -a (on all files), pre-commit run (on staged files)