
Autoupload is a Guard plugin to upload all local changes to remote host using either SFTP or FTP.

Primary LanguageRuby


Autoupload plugin used for uploading all local changes to remote host. Uses either SFTP or FTP.


Sample guardfile:

opts = {
    :protocol => :scp,        # Protocol used to connect to remote host.
                              # Possible values are :scp, :sftp and :ftp.
                              # Of these :scp is the preferred one for
                              # its stability.
    :host => "remote_host",
    # :port => 22,            # Uncomment this if you need to set port to
                              # something else than default.
    :user => "username",
    :password => "password",
    :remote => "remote_path",
    :verbose => false,        # if true you get all outputs
    :quiet => false           # if true outputs only on exceptions.

guard :autoupload, opts do
    # Matches every other file but Guardfile. This way we don't
    # accidentally upload the credentials.


  • guard
  • Net::SFTP
  • Net::SSH::Simple


Finally the gem has been uploaded to rubygems. Install it with

gem install guard-autoupload


This guard plugin was written by Jyrki Lilja and is used at FocusFlow. The code is hevily based on vincenthu's guard-flopbox and bgarret's guard-ftpsync.