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Lantmäteriet downloader

Use this to download and convert Belägenhetsadresser from Lantmäteriet and convert them to a format compatible with Pelias.

How to use

Add these keys to an .env file


Then use this command to download and store your csv

node index.js > out.csv

How to get the keys

Request your data here: https://kundportalen.etjanster.lantmateriet.se/bestallning/kundkategori

Wait for the email. Use the information from the email to download your data: Example:

Orderid: 50012345_600001 <- this is your order_id 
Ordernyckel: 0123432-5678-9765b-a4e0-f4dbc56addb7 <- this is your order_key - FALSE: go to the download area and copy this guid from the url