[ECCV2022] Rethinking Data Augmentation for Robust Visual Question Answering

Primary LanguagePython

[ECCV'22] Rethinking Data Augmentation for Robust Visual Question Answering

This repo contains codes for our paper "Rethinking Data Augmentation for Robust Visual Question Answering".

We followed CSS-VQA to finish our codes, many thanks!


Make sure you are on a machine with a NVIDIA GPU and about 100 GB disk space.

Python 3.6 with 
h5py == 3.1.0
torch == 1.9.0
click == 7.1.2
numpy == 1.19.2
tqdm == 4.60.0
transformers == 4.8.2
clip == 1.0

Setup data: VQA v2 and VQA-CP v2

  1. Download data
bash tools/download.sh
  1. Download faster rcnn features

Download feature1.zip and feature2.zip from Google Drive, then unzip and merge them into data/rcnn_feature/.

  1. Download Images (For CLIP-based Filtering)

Create Images folder and download coco images.



  1. Process data
bash tools/process.sh

Data processing results may be in-consistent due to the inconsistency of python versions. To use our pretrained models, you can download the process results from here. Move them to folder data.

  1. Download extra data to train CSS (ID & OOD Teacher in KDDAug)

Download *hintscore.json files from here, and move them to data folder.



  1. Create aug_data folder to save augmented data.

  2. For convenience, process original dataset by following steps:

  • Prepare Original IQA Triplets
  • Prepare Faster RCNN Detection Data
  • Extract Nouns of Question.

Run command:

python process_original_dataset.py --dataset cpv2
python process_original_dataset.py --dataset v2

Example data after processing:

    # IQA triplets
    'q_id': 9001, 
    'img_id': 9, 
    'question': 'What color are the dishes?', 
    'answer_text': ['pink and yellow'], 
    'scores': [0.9], 

    # Faster RCNN Detection Results 
    'objects': ['broccoli', 'donut', 'container', 'meat', 'container', 'bowl', 'food'], 
    'attributes': ['green', '', 'plastic', '', '', '', ''], 

    # Meaningful nouns in Question
    'nouns': ['dish']
  1. Extract question features (For generate Paraphrasing questions).
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python extract_question_feature.py --dataset cpv2
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python extract_question_feature.py --dataset v2
  1. Extract CLIP features for images (For CLIP-based Filtering).
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python extract_clip_feature.py --dataset cpv2
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python extract_clip_feature.py --dataset v2

Image-Question Composition with Initial Answer

  1. Yes/No Questions.
python generate_yesno.py --dataset cpv2
python generate_yesno.py --dataset v2
  1. Other Questions
python generate_other.py --dataset cpv2
python generate_other.py --dataset v2
  1. Color Questions
python generate_color.py --dataset cpv2
python generate_color.py --dataset v2
  1. Number Questions
python generate_number.py --dataset cpv2
python generate_number.py --dataset v2
  1. Paraphrasing Questions
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python generate_paraphrasing.py --dataset cpv2
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python generate_paraphrasing.py --dataset v2

Divide initial answer to High-Quality or Low-Quality(Mentioned in section 4.5)

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python divide.py --dataset cpv2 --ratio 1.0
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python divide.py --dataset v2 --ratio 1.0

ratio denotes high-quality ratio.

Notice: even if ratio set to 1.0, the code still generate low_quality_dataset.pkl file.

KD-based Answer Assignment

  1. Pretrain a teacher model (CSS) Download from CSS-VQA or train a new LMH-CSS model using the command:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --dataset [cpv2/v2] --mode q_v_debias --debias learned_mixin --topq 1 --topv -1 --qvp 5 --output lmh_css --seed 2048
  1. Assign new answer.
# number
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python assign_answer.py --dataset [cpv2/v2] --name number --split high --teacher_path []
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python assign_answer.py --dataset [cpv2/v2] --name number --split low --teacher_path []
# other
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python assign_answer.py --dataset [cpv2/v2] --name other --split high --teacher_path []
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python assign_answer.py --dataset [cpv2/v2] --name other --split low --teacher_path []
# color
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python assign_answer.py --dataset [cpv2/v2] --name color --split high --teacher_path []
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python assign_answer.py --dataset [cpv2/v2] --name color --split low --teacher_path []
# paraphrasing
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python assign_answer.py --dataset [cpv2/v2] --name paraphrasing --split high --teacher_path []
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python assign_answer.py --dataset [cpv2/v2] --name paraphrasing --split low --teacher_path []
# yesno
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python assign_answer.py --dataset [cpv2/v2] --name yesno --split low --teacher_path []

Merge all dataset

Merge all augmented data and save to [cpv2/v2]_all_aug_dataset.pkl.

python merge.py --dataset [cpv2/v2]

CLIP-based Filtering

CLIP-based filtering and save to [cpv2/v2]_total_aug_dataset.pkl

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python filter.py --ratio 0.1 --dataset [cpv2/v2]


  1. Train Backbone models


Run command:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --dataset cpv2 --mode updn --debias none --output updn --seed 0

or download our pretrained UpDn model from here


Download our pretrained LMH-CSS+ model from here

  1. Finetune on Augmented dataset

Use [cpv2/v2]_all_aug_dataset.pkl if aug_name set to all.

Use [cpv2/v2]_total_aug_dataset.pkl (after clip-based filtering) if aug_name set to total.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python aug_main.py --backbone ./path/to/model --aug_name all --dataset cpv2 --output [] --seed 0

Our KDDAug model is available here