
Hides mostly unused links from CAMPUS Office of the RWTH Aachen

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Hides mostly unused links from CAMPUS Office of the RWTH Aachen


  1. To use this script, you need a browser extension like Tampermonkey (Maybe you remember Greasemonkey?), which is available for all well-used browsers.
  2. Go to the script and you should be presented with a Tampermonkey install site, where you can see that this script really only gets executed on www.campus.rwth-aachen.de.
  3. Install it and navigate to CAMPUS. Done!

Hidden elements:


The header with its only functions

  • Kurz gezeigt
  • Feedback
  • Hilfe

is completely removed.

Sidebar Headlines

  • Adressen
  • Dokumente
  • Aufgaben
  • E-Mail
  • Papierkorb

Sidebar Menu Items

  • Einstellungen
  • Abmelden
  • Hilfe
  • StOEHn
  • EvaSys
  • Fachbereiche
  • Prüfungsordnungen
  • Tagesansicht (*)
  • Monatsansicht (*)
  • Geburtstagsübersicht
  • Urlaubsliste
  • Telefonnr. ändern
  • Hochschulstatistik

Changed elements

(*) Calendar

The Monatsansicht and Tagesansicht are accessible via the Wochenansicht. Links are provided in the top center.

PA Disclaimer Page

Once you click on Prüfungsan-/abmeldung the first time after log-in, you're getting presented with the disclaimer page of the Prüfungsamt. This is accepted automatically.