
A telegram bot that sends daily pictures to every subscriber that have been sent to him before by chosen moderators. Caution: Contains humongous amounts of Node.js and persists its data as a simple JSON file. Don't try this at home!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  1. Run npm install
  2. Run ./setup.sh, which pulls telebot and links it's node modules
  3. Copy config.example.js to config.js and put in your bot API key and your telegram user ID
  4. Run the bot using node koonbot.js
  5. Write your bot /gnampf, if he answers ok, then you're an admin now. If not, your telegram user id is missing in the config.js file. Look now into the output of the process to find out your user id.
  6. Find out all commands using /help



Use /user set USERID poster true to promote someone to being a poster, so that he/she can post new images to your bot.