
Easy-to-use sample sheet CSV generator for illumina sequencers by html/css and JS.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Easy-to-use sample-sheet generator for illumina by html and JS.

GitHub Pages: https://itokawak.github.io/SampleSheetGenerator/


I created this tool for personal frustration to the illumina's LocalRunManger/BaseSpace, which are not very useful. Also they do not include QIAgene QiaSeqFX UDI kit indexes in default.

  • This tool creates a SampleSheet which has at least enough information required to basecall bcl and demultiplex by bcl2fastq, Dragen server in NS2000/1000 and LocalRunManager in instruments.
  • The software consists of static html/css and javascript.
  • Basic usage is just copying & pasting sample IDs arranged as plate position in Excel to the textbox.
  • Created SampleSheet CSV can be used directly to bcl2fastq or import to run mangers of illumina instruments.
  • You can also check whether there is a pre-used ID from old SampleSheet CSVs.
  • This is a client-side app. The information you input would not be submitted to anywhere. Everything happens within your PC.
  • Currently, not all platforms of illumina and library kits are supported. Please check whether the generated SampleSheets are valid to your platform before use.
  • The author is not liable to any troubles or damages caused by this software. Please use it at your own risk.