AIReal Mobile Development Documentation

Here is the official repository of the AIReal application as a Bangkit Academy led by Google, Tokopedia, Gojek, & Traveloka** capstone product. In this project, we used XML for application layout and Kotlin to develop the application. This application is a simple e-commerce application that has a blur detection feature on the image to increase the attractiveness of buyers on the product.

  • Overview


  • Features

    • Splash Screen, Visual element that appears while the app is launching, displaying AIReal logo
    • Login, Serves as a secure gateway where users authenticate their identity by entering a username and password as credentials, granting them access token to access features within the app
    • SignUp, Allows new users to create an account by providing necessary information such as a username, password, and email address
    • Home Page, Page that displays a list of products. Users can search for products by category or through the searchbar
    • Detail Product Page, Retrieves detailed information of the products visited, has several menus such as cart, buy, visit store, and share products
    • Cart Page, Display products that have been added to the buyer's cart
    • Shop Page, Displays a page containing the shop's personal information
    • Profile Page, Display a page containing the user's personal information
    • Edit Profile/Shop, Users can edit their personal data and available information, such as name, description, photo, etc
    • Add Product, The main feature of the app and also as a place to implement machine learning models. Users can add products by entering some information needed. When the user uploads an image, the application will detect the image, and if the image is blurry, it will be deleted
    • Order History, Display products that have been purchased by buyers.
  • Dependencies
