
This is my readme, a documentation about myself.

Readme about me

This is my readme, a documentation about myself. It contains what I know, how I work and also why. I think this will help people to get to know me and how I like to work.

Who am I ?

I'm Alexandre, a software craftsman (as I frequently mention, ever since encountering this term). I work as a Fullstack Developer and DevOps enthusiast, striving to comprehend the inner workings of all things.

I started learning C at home when I was sixteen years old. Quickly, I developed a real love for this field and chose to deepen my knowledge 42 school.

I am a fervent supporter of open source and strive to contribute and help projects on Github or other platforms whenever possible. I am curious and love to learn and discover new things, which makes me a Jack-of-all-trades.

I try to put into practice learn in public, you can follow what I do in my backlog and see my playground projects.

You can follow the tasks I am currently trying to work on through my Kanban.

I feel safe and happy in a structured environment. I think I'm better when I can create a mind map of my work environment in my head.

Tips about me

Here are some quick tips that will help you to understand me:

  • By default, I tend to have high expectations, whether in reviews or during discussions. Feel free to bring it up to me, and I'll adjust to better fit the situation.
  • I have a strong focus on continuous improvement and am dedicated to resolving issues thoroughly. When I identify a problem, I bring it up frequently and am committed to seeing it through until it is fully resolved.
  • You can feel safe debating with me. I find that ideas improve by being examined from all angles. This does rely on us being able to have a safe debate. If something goes wrong, please let me know so I can try to fix it.
  • I type too fast and make spelling mistakes where there isn't a native spell checker. I'm working on it. 😁


You can find more of me on the following links:


This is highly inspirated by 12 manager readmes finded on Gitlab handbook.