
Playground to test GlitchTip

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

GlitchTip playground

Playground to test GlitchTip


To integrate rtx and direnv with your shell login, you need to add hooks:

Follow the steps below to add the hooks:

If you use bash, execute:

$ echo 'eval "$(~/bin/rtx activate bash)"' >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo -e "\neval "\$($(rtx which direnv) hook bash)"" >> ~/.bashrc

If you use zsh, execute:

$ echo 'eval "$(~/bin/rtx activate zsh)"' >> ~/.zshrc
$ echo -e "\neval "\$($(rtx which direnv) hook zsh)"" >> ~/.zshrc

Then, to apply the configuration, restart your terminal or simply execute this command:


$ source ~/.bashrc


$ source ~/.zshrc

To set up the required tools, you need to install them locally. When you are in the folder of the repository, use the following command:

$ rtx install
$ direnv allow

Install python requirements to use GlitchTip in python:

$ pip install -r requiremtens.txt

Getting started

First you must launch project:

$ ./scripts/up.sh

Then setup GlitchTip:

$ source ./scripts/setup-glitchtip.sh
GlitchTip configured, you can now use DSN: "http://fcc3a189d6d94c30bbd33e91c1289cfa@localhost:8000/1"

The script ./scripts/setup-glitchtip.sh will create an account:

  • Email: user@example.com
  • Password: fakepassword

With a python project and give you the DSN of the project that will be automatically be added to your environment as GLITCHTIP_PTYHON_DSN.

A default python project is defined in this repository to try GlitchTip. You can now use it to send an error:

$ python main.py

Finally login to http://localhost:8000 to see issue:
