Carbon Coins v0.3

Carbon Coins is a mobile application that aids in the reduction of carbon emissions from vehicles. Users can create an account and keep track of how much carbon their vehicle emits while on the road.

Languages used

-Flutter -Dart -Firebase (Database)

How the App Works

The app tracks and displays the C02 emission. The carbon emission is calculated by calculating the distance travelled from one point to another. Every three seconds, the latitude and longitude change, and the CO2 emission is displayed in kilometres. Each day has a Co2 emission threshold (current data is based on Indian users), and if users do not cross it within 24 hours, the app will reward them. To reward users, we're employing a cryptocurrency called Carbon Coins (to be developed).

Improvements to Be Made

  • We'll need various algorithms for each user depending on the vehicle they drive.
  • We need to improve the emission log so that the user can see their monthly CO2 emissions.
  • Adding a Co2 emission calculator.
  • We'll need to keep the software running in the background to keep it tracking.
  • Improve the UI.

Check Out the APK here